Chapter 20

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The first step to Cecilia's revenge plan was the most dangerous one. She wanted to infiltrate Stanton's clan, but she was risking being recognized. If that happened, she knew that she would be immediately killed.

Having that in mind, she took a few precaution measures. She dyed her hair blond, and she bought some new clothes, the kind of clothes she never used to wear when she was alive. Those clothes were good as a disguise, but also, they made her look very sexy, and she thought she would need that if she wanted to avoid being recognized.

If they focused on her body, Stanton wouldn't pay enough attention to her face. Although she was pretty sure that Stanton didn't remember his victims, she didn't want to take too many risks.

Looking in a mirror, she realized that she looked much better than she expected. She looked nothing like her old self, what with becoming a vampire and changing her hair and clothes. Even she had problems recognizing herself, so she doubted Stanton would know who she was.

Nevertheless, she did write a letter to Tobias that she was sure he would find if anything happened to her. In that letter, she explained what she was planning to do and what might happen as a consequence. She apologized for not telling him and asked him not to do anything about her death since it was her choice to take revenge.

After tying up the loose ends, Cecilia decided it was time for her to get acquainted with her killer. She wasn't sure she had enough self-control not to rip his head off immediately, but she decided to try her best not to do it. If not for her petty revenge, then for all the people that his clan murdered and would murder, she owed the humans that much.

For the life she had taken in such a vicious way, she had to save many more to balance out the good and evil. Maybe it was a selfish goal because she wanted to clear her conscious, but the results would be good for everyone so it didn't matter.

While she did her research, she found out that Stanton officially worked for a corporation called Umbrella Corporation which she found strange for two reasons. The first reason for her surprise was the fact that Stanton did have a job in the human world, but that shouldn't have shocked her so much since even the vampires needed money.

The second thing was stranger than anything else, an unusual coincidence she guessed. There was a zombie movie that she loved when she was alive that talked about the Umbrella Corporation which did some experiments and caused people to turn into zombies, inadvertently.

Before she started her investigation, she had no idea that a company with that name existed and from what she could gather it was a company run by vampires. Somehow in her mind, it was a spooky coincidence that something terrible lurked behind both the fictitious corporation and the real one. Nevertheless, the moment she saw the ad for a secretary job inside the Umbrella Corporation, she applied since she did have some experience in that area.

Cecilia put on her most seductive yet professional outfit and did her make up perfectly. While she was alive, she didn't usually wear any makeup, but once she started preparing for her revenge, she came to the conclusion that men loved gorgeous women, and that it would be easier to do what she intended to do if they found her beautiful.

Men were notoriously known for objectifying women, and she was pretty sure that the same was true for male vampires. So, she thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of that and earn her spot in their company by being stunning and well qualified.

At first, she thought it would be difficult for her to learn how to put on the makeup, but after watching many tutorials, she finally found the one that was perfect for her. It accentuated her eyes and made her face much more appealing than it ever was before.

With the perfect outfit, amazing makeup, and extremely high heels, she was smoking hot, and she knew it. She also practiced walking in a more feminine way, moving her hips from one side to the other and not walking like a trucker, the way she used to walk.

After weeks of preparation, she was finally ready to face her torturer and hopefully exact her revenge on all of them.

With all the confidence she could muster, she sashayed into their headquarters for the job interview.

She could feel a lot of curious eyes watching her, all of them vampire eyes hidden behind contact lenses. In the same way that she could sense they were all vampires; they could sense that she was one as well.

Since she was so young in the new life of the undead, she had to be extremely careful about what she said or did. No matter how much research she did on the vampires, the rules and things to know, she knew they had one thing that she couldn't truly match, experience.

Being highly motivated as she was, she found in herself the strength to turn into someone else, to walk and talk like an insensitive yet confident vampire. It was very difficult for her to mask the hate and contempt she felt for them, but somehow, she managed to do it.

We all have a bad side, and she managed to tap into hers. For the time being, she became the person whom she despised the most. She became the Cecilia from that dark alley, the one who murdered with fervor and without regret. The vampires didn't seem to notice anything odd because the only expression she could see on their faces was lust.

"So far so good," she thought to herself.

Soon enough, the true test of her acting abilities presented itself, because Stanton walked into the waiting room.

Surprisingly enough, she managed to contain her hatred enough so the change wouldn't be detected by the keen senses of the other vampires. Instead of looking at him with murderous looks like she wanted to, and expected that she would, she gave him a flirtatious look.

From the expression that crossed his face, for just a second, she could see that he was hooked. After a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat.

"Miss Jane, I presume." He said.

"Yes, it is a true pleasure to meet such an accomplished person such as yourself Mr. Smith," Cecilia said.

She barely stopped herself from pulling her hand out when he lowered his head to kiss it. She felt sick at the touch of his lips and it took all the strength she had not to show the disgust she felt.

"The pleasure is all mine; I can assure you." He said as his canines glistened in the dark much more prominently than a moment before.

There was no sign of recognition whatsoever, but as far as Cecilia knew he could be acting.

"Shall we go to my office for the interview?" He asked in a manly voice that thoroughly intimidated Cecilia.

However, she thought that if anyone sensed that, they would think it was nerves.

Unsure of whether she was in danger or not, she silently followed him down the corridor lined up with offices. A chill ran down her back as she realized that she was on enemy territory with no escape but that didn't stop her from going on.

Finally, they entered his office and sat down for what turned out to be the strangest job interview she had ever had.  

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