Chapter 45

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"If you ever tell anyone that I am anything but a perfect predator you will be in a lot of trouble because even Tobias won't be able to protect you. Do we understand each other?" Helen warned in a quiet growling voice.

Cecilia quickly nodded her head, the blood of her tears dripping down from her face and almost splashing on Helen.

Helen moved slightly away from Cecilia and started talking.

"What I am about to tell you, I haven't told anyone. Even Tobias doesn't know about this because it is extremely embarrassing. I would rather have him think I was an insensitive monster than let him know the truth." Helen said.

Cecilia was surprised that Helen would share with her something as personal as that, but she figured Helen realized how torn up she was about what happened.

"What I didn't mention in the story of my life was that I had a strong craving for one particular man, the one I shouldn't have wanted, but I did. With my increased senses desire has increased as well and at one point it felt like it was no longer part of me but a separate entity. You see, the person I wanted to be with was Aludrac." Helen said.

As she said that, a look of embarrassment and sadness crossed her face and Cecilia wasn't sure what surprised her more, that Helen had wanted to be with Aldurac or that she was showing any emotions in front of her.

"But isn't Aldurac the vampire who turned you, then betrayed you and who you then murdered," Cecilia asked.

"Yes, that's the one. But you see, when I first became one of his subjects I didn't know that. All that I knew was that he was a strong, powerful vampire and that I wanted him, so much so that it was becoming more and more difficult to control my urges. Having had so many things to control this was just another thing that made my days a constant struggle." Helen went on to say.

Cecilia was getting more and more transfixed by the story because she couldn't imagine murdering the person you once loved. Then she remembered that she almost killed Tobias and decided to just follow the story with no judgments.

"One day, while I was busy studying my next kill, Aldurac came to stand behind me, much closer than he ever did, and that was when he whispered something in my ear.

"I can feel you want me. You can have me, you know? All you need to do is ask," he said.

Suffice it to say that in a matter of moments our lips were melded together, my body slamming into his. I was kissing him like I wanted to devour him whole, and he returned the kiss as passionately, even more so.

Before I could realize what was happening, my fangs suddenly came out. It was as if in the heat of passion, I had completely lost control of them. I bit into his bottom lip almost biting through it.

As soon as I felt his warm blood dripping down my throat, I broke our kiss looking apologetically at him. I expected him to scream at me, to reject me, but what I didn't expect was to see his eyes burning with passion. He quickly licked off his blood and seemed thoroughly unperturbed by it.

"I am so sorry," I said.

"What for?" he asked with passion clouding his red eyes.

"I bit you!" I said.

I was incredulous that he would even have to ask about the reason for my apologies.

"Oh, that. There is nothing to apologize for. That is a completely normal reaction. We are, after all, vampires, and once overwhelmed by certain...needs it is not uncommon for our fangs to come out." He said.

"Doesn't it bother you?" I asked.

"Not in the slightest. I like it," he said.

In seconds, he was all over me again and... ahem... well you know the rest." Helen said.

During the last sentence, she seemed overwhelmed by embarrassment, and it was so odd to Cecilia that Helen could talk about blood baths and murders with ease but not about those types of things. Still, Cecilia did her best to keep her mind from wandering off too far.

"How do you know he wasn't lying?" she asked.

"Argh, I was afraid you would ask that," Helen said exasperated.

"Okay, so after that disastrous situation where I allowed myself to follow my basic instincts only to be betrayed by the one I trusted the most, I decided to get a better hold of my instincts, all of them.

"So I isolated myself from the rest of the world limiting myself to only getting in contact with my food so that I could, in my solitude, find a way to have some control over my existence."

"Since I became a vampire I, the Great Huntress of my tribe, allowed myself to be controlled by another, and having thrown away my golden shackles by murdering the one who chained me to himself, I wanted to get the chance to find some semblance of a pleasant existence."

"That in itself entailed being able to control myself, all of my needs, much better than I used to. I needed to be able to be the one in charge, not the bloodlust or lust. "

"To accomplish that, I spent a decade staying away from other beings, trying to learn how to be myself, not to let the vampire in me control my actions. It was imperative since I was sick and tired of always being controlled by someone or something. "

Anyway, once I thought I was ready, I started interacting with some vampires who were on the fringe of society. That was when I met him, the nicest vampire I had ever met. But don't get confused, at the time I only knew cruel murders and Seymour was still much more savage than the vampires of this day and age, excluding Stanton and his clan of course, but still quite tame for the time we lived in." Helen said.

At the mention of Stanton, Cecilia jerked up but said nothing.

"One thing about him was that he was so much nicer to me than anyone was since I became a vampire. He let me be myself and didn't try to control me. Although he was vicious in his kills, he was kind to me, gentler than I ever thought a vampire could be, that is until Tobias of course.

Anyway, although I had much better control of my bloodlust once things started... ahem... heating up, my fangs appeared but the same thing happened to him as well. He assured me that it was quite normal especially in the first hundred years of existence or so." Helen said.

"What happened to him?" Cecilia asked, carried away by the story.

"That is none of your business! The point of the story is that it's normal for the fangs to come out in the heat of the moment, not to interfere with my private life! Now stop whining and being a crybaby vampire and go back to Tobias who is worried sick!" Helen snapped.

Cecilia had never seen her lose control, and it was clear that she hit a nerve.

"I am sorry," she said.

Usually, Cecilia wouldn't be so apologetic, it wasn't in her nature, but she could see something she didn't think was possible to see in Helen's eyes, deep pain. She was truly sorry to cause her any pain when Helen went out of her way to help her feel better, no matter her reasons.

"I do apologize for snapping at you. Those are just very painful memories that I do not wish to discuss." Helen said.

"I understand. Thank you for coming to tell me all that." Cecilia said, feeling much better.

"Ahem...let's just forget this ever happened and go back to Tobias, we have a lot to discuss and it has nothing to do with your private lives," Helen said.

"Could you please give me a head start? I want to make amends with him before we discuss serious issues." Cecilia said.

"Very well," Helen said, sighing deeply as Cecilia took off using her full vampire speed.

"Ah, the young ones have no patience," she murmured to herself as she followed at a human pace.

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