Chapter 36

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"My life story is much longer than you can imagine, so I won't trouble you with all the details." Helen started saying as she sat down on the same bench where Tobias finished his tale.

"Just so that you may better understand my actions, I have to tell you a few important highlights of my life. I was human such a long time ago that I no longer even remember how it felt to be human. The only thing I do remember is the night I turned.

I was walking through a dark forest on my way home when it happened.

You see, although it was getting dark, I decided to take a shortcut through the dense forest. After all, I was strong and agile, the most skillful hunter of my tribe, nothing scared me.

I knew that I could handle any living being that dared mistake me for easy prey. So, when I sensed a presence looming in the darkness nearby, I wasn't scared. Although it didn't feel like anything I had felt before, it didn't frighten me, it just made me curious.

Imagine my surprise when soon enough, a figure of a dark-haired man popped out of nowhere and stood in front of me with his eyes blazing bright red. A wave of horror washed over me. It made my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

Every instinct in my body told me to run.

I didn't run.

My hunter self couldn't back down. After all, I was the Great Huntress of my tribe.

My courage made him hesitate for a second. It wasn't the reaction he was expecting.

Everything moved in slow motion, as he savagely bit into my neck and my hands flailed helplessly trying to save my life.

I found out later, that my bravery was the only thing that saved me from becoming just another dinner, whose body was disposed of after serving its feeding purposes.

The vampire who turned me had decided that I would be a great addition to his clan, that I had potential. It was the only reason he didn't bleed me dry.

Only later did I find out that he was something like a vampire royalty. He saw me as the perfect candidate to be his second in command. You could say that after the excruciating pain of turning, I became the vampire princess.

I am ashamed to say that I became the most savage vampire, the vampire society had ever seen, and I was loyal to a fault. Even humans started telling tales of a vengeful demon who drank human blood.

I never questioned Aludracs orders, I just did what I was told. Honestly, I was a bloodthirsty animal, and I loved every second of it.

My favorite thing to do was to bathe in the blood of my enemies. I've lost count of how many human lives I have drained just for the pure pleasure of it. Still, I do remember my first kill.

I had just woken up after being turned and I could smell something, a delicious scent wafting into space I was in. I didn't know where I was or what was happening, but I knew I had to follow that aromatic smell which I did on reflex.

Soon enough, I found the source of the wonderful aroma of fear, sweat, and something metallic that I couldn't identify.

There in front of me was a small family, mother, father, and their two children. They were trembling with fear, and I barely noticed the other vampires who seemed to have been herding them like cattle.

My focus was on their necks, on that beautiful full vein that was pulsating with life. Every pulse felt like a call for me to bite into it, to extract the precious liquid, to savor its rich taste that was hinted at through the incredible smell.

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