Chapter 32

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The first thing Cecilia saw when she woke up made her sigh in relief, Tobias was okay. She could tell that they were in the same room she was in when she first turned, and Tobias was sitting by her bedside, again, worry permanently etched on his face.

"Tobias...' she said almost in a whisper.

He lowered his head towards her to be able to better hear her since she was too quiet even for a vampire to hear. Instead of saying anything else, Cecilia slowly lifted her hand and gently stroked his face.

"You are okay," she croaked out still groggy from the fretful sleep she had.

"I am peachy, don't you worry about me. How are you feeling?" He asked.

Cecilia, however, couldn't focus on his question since she noticed that he was not okay. Never had she seen a vampire look so sick. She didn't think it was even possible.

It was a strange sight to see. His eyes had fallen deeply into the sockets, and his skin was leathery and thin. It was even paler than before, which seemed impossible. What told volumes about how he truly felt were the eyes themselves.

They reminded her of ember that was slowly being extinguished. What hurt her the most, was the fact that she knew she was the one who did that to him, she was responsible for his pain.

"Tobias, I am so sorry. It was never my intention to hurt you. I just...just couldn't stop. I could...see it happening, but I couldn't stop myself." She said, sobbing loudly.

"Shh, it's okay, I know. Look I am fine, aren't I? You have nothing to worry about.

It wasn't your fault." He said in his most soothing voice.

Suddenly something flickered in her eyes and sorrow was replaced by burning anger that made her eyes burn brighter than ever.

"You are right. It wasn't my fault. It was yours. What were you thinking, you idiot?! Why didn't you stop me? I could have killed you!! " She yelled at him, with tears in her eyes.

Seeing how much his lack of self-preservation hurt her, he felt he owed her the truth. But then again was it a truth he was willing to share?

"I just wasn't sure how much blood would be enough for you to recover.

I couldn't allow you to die," he said.

"Why the hell not, if it meant saving your own life?" she asked angrily.

"Because I couldn't let that happen again, okay!?" He yelled, unable to control himself.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Cecilia asked.

She was a mess of different emotions, but hearing his words and seeing the pain in his eyes, the strongest desire became the need to know, to understand.

"I guess you deserve to know what kind of person, vampire, or whatever you want to call it, I truly am," Tobias said, resigned.

He settled back on the comfortable armchair, ready to tell her everything.

Although Cecilia couldn't understand what he meant by that, she understood he wanted to tell her something about his life, something important. She pulled herself up into a sitting position, ready to hear what hurt Tobias so much that he found it difficult to talk about it.

"You saw Celeste's grave, but I haven't told you the whole story. To truly understand me, to know me, you need to hear all of it.

A long time ago, when I was still a regular human, I met this sweet and kind girl named Celeste. She was both clever, and beautiful so after a short courtship, we got married.

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