Chapter 10

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"Would it help if I told you a bit about our lifestyle?" He asked.

She didn't want to know because she assumed it involved a lot of murder and bloodshed but still, she nodded her head in agreement.

"I am a part of a vampire clan who believes in feeding on donated blood and, in turn, protecting the humans to show our gratitude for them keeping us alive. We do that by protecting humans from accidents, murders, and so on, as often as we can. We like to think of it as paying our debt to society for all the blood we take. Then there are other clans. Some use donated blood, while others prefer to drink live blood, fresh blood." He said.

Cecilia was listening to his story attentively. At first, she was surprised by his clan helping the humans. Soon enough, surprise turned into anger when he talked about the other clans, the ones who liked fresh blood. He could sense the change but thought it better to bring it all out in the open, quickly. Thinking of it like ripping off the bandage, he continued cautiously.

"Those clans don't kill humans but drink blood from the volunteers. Some humans think that it is cool," he said with obvious disgust.

She couldn't understand why anyone in the world would think that something like that was cool, but she guessed that people needed a sense of danger to feel alive.

"Don't they turn?" She asked trying to contain her anger and revulsion.

"There are ways to stop that from happening, and the vampires don't drink enough blood to kill them, so they rarely turn. Although it does happen from time to time, when a vampire gets carried away, the temptation is sometimes too great to resist. The process of becoming a vampire is usually a combination of vampire venom and death happening in proximity to each other. Anyway, there are still other vampire clans..." He hesitated.

"They live for the hunt, and they kill humans for pleasure, not only to satiate their thirst. They are often callous and cruel, with no regard for human life. Unfortunately, you already know how cruel they can be, you met one of them." He finished barely containing his rage.

The mere thought of that savage hurting someone innocent in the same way as they hurt Celeste, made him want to punch a hole through a wall. However, he was old enough to know there were some things that he couldn't change, even if he broke all the walls in the house.

He was so consumed by his anger and disgust, that he didn't notice the wild gleam in her eyes.

She lost control. Anger took over, and she crashed through the nearby window landing graciously in the snow-covered garden.

There was glass everywhere, but she didn't notice it, as it crunched under her feet. She couldn't even feel the sharp glass embedded in her bare feet. The only thing she could feel was rage. She was out to get all of them, to punish them for what they did, what they were.

In her mind, she could see herself ripping their heads off slowly and painfully, while their bodies fell in the helpless pile in front of her. She could feel the pleasure of ripping their dead and useless hearts out of their chests and eating them. Or better yet, giving them to the dogs to devour since she didn't want any part of them in her body.

Having no idea where she was or where she was heading didn't help her growing fury. Suddenly, she sensed something in the air that made her instincts take over.

All of a sudden, she was running using her full vampire speed. With one part of her mind, she could feel the wind ruffling her hair from the inhuman speed. She felt powerful and strong, invincible. Soon enough, she felt warm blood trickling down her mouth as she licked it off with utmost delight.

Her eyes were crimson red and terrifying. She could feel her whole body buzzing with energy and delight of a perfect kill, of thirst satiated. Fresh blood was much more fulfilling than she thought.

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