Chapter 29

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For a moment Stanton felt a strange constricting sensation he had never felt before, but soon enough it was gone. Stanton sized up his opponent with the utmost confidence in his abilities. Even though she managed to slaughter all his men, he knew that she wouldn't be able to beat him. After all, he had a few hundred years of experience, and she was just a few months old, impulsive, vampire.

He knew that his instincts, honed by the centuries of battles, were his best weapons, so he let them take over, sure of his victory. His body slammed into her before she had the chance to do anything. There was a loud thunderous crash. They both staggered a bit but recovered quickly.

Their movements were fast, a perfectly choreographed dance of death. His hand gripped empty air as he tried to take a grip of Cecilia's neck, who twirled out of his reach. The two vampires growled at each other.

The need for spilling blood made their fangs burst out in one perfect move. They needed to slice through the skin. All Stanton could think was that Cecilia's skin needed to be pierced, torn apart. Spicy vampire blood, delicious as ever called his name. He jumped towards Cecilia aiming for her neck with his strong canines. Failing he crashed into the wall with a string of curses.

Anger bubbled up and his need to murder the insolent girl who dared survive his first attack grew to its highest point. It was a need deep inside him that told him she deserved what was coming for daring defy him and his will.

The animal snarl left her throat as she lunged for him, missing. Before he could make a counterattack, she twisted around and threw a barrage of punches towards his face. The loud crack filled the room as her fist connected with his nose. A stream of blood ran down his nose, drenching his perfect businessman suit. The spicy smell of blood made the young one's eyes light up even brighter with thirst.

Looking at his red, sticky fingers, Stanton's eyes started burning with rage that was greater than ever. He decided then and there that he would torture her until she begged for mercy to pay for what she did.

"You little bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance." He said, hatred dripping from his every word.

"Yes, you should have." She said as she tried to punch him once again.

He blocked her punch and caught her hand in his strong ones. Soon enough a loud cracking sound filled the room as Cecilia's hand was left hanging at an unnatural angle.

Tobias was by her side pushing Stanton away from her in a matter of seconds.

"No! Stay out of this! This is between him and me!" She said.

Tobias hesitantly retreated worried more than ever about Cecilia's safety but knowing how stubborn she was.

It was clear that she needed to do that, but it didn't sit well with him not to do anything while her life was in danger. However, what made it a bit easier was the fact that he knew Cecilia was much stronger than Stanton and if she managed to use it to her advantage she could win.

Stanton had a smile of pure delight on his face since he loved the sound of cracking bones more than any other vampire did. That little girl could do nothing to him.

He ran towards her using his full speed. Both of them crashed into the wall making a huge indentation. Pressing her hard against the wall he brutally bit into her neck piercing the skin and drinking her blood with fervor.

Stunned by the blow, she didn't react in time. His arms were an iron cage keeping her rooted while his mouth tore at her skin. He kept biting her neck in different places remembering how fun it was murdering her the first time around.

Instead of killing her immediately, he tried to rub in his victory by playing with his prey. He bit into her shoulder and with utter delight bit off a chunk of meat just for fun, spitting it out one moment later. After all, vampires didn't eat meat, but it was fun to rip it out of her writhing body.

Blood spurted all over his face, and he enjoyed its warm embrace. Its spicy aroma overloaded all his senses, and he couldn't help but try to lick off all the blood from his face.

He rarely drank vampire blood, he never found it very satisfying, it was not alive enough for him. But for Cecilia's blood, he made an exception. He planned to drink all her blood and then pull her head out of her body and kick it towards Tobias. Then he planned to murder Tobias as well, but very slowly.

He wanted to cut him up like a pig and play his sick games with his organs.

The thought occurred to him that Tobias's intestines would sure make a nice scarf around his neck. Even stuffing Tobias's dead heart into his mouth while he powerlessly observed was another idea that came to Stanton's sick mind.

There was nothing Stanton loved more than murdering, well, except maybe torturing people and vampires alike, slowly and viciously while they screamed for mercy.

After that, he would torture them even more until he got bored enough to kill them. Not all vampires were bad, but Stanton wasn't like any other vampire. Even while he was human he enjoyed murder and mayhem but being a vampire only increased his appetite for blood.

Stanton got so carried away by his daydreams of slow torture and vicious death, that he didn't focus all his attention on the job at hand.

Cecilia used his distraction to gain some of her focus back. As he was preparing to bite into her flesh, for probably the hundredth time, she headbutted him, the head being the only free part of her body.

That action managed to break his firm grip on her and allow her enough time to act. The next thing he knew, his head was rolling down towards Tobias's feet. One of the last things those cruel eyes saw was Cecilia approaching him, while bleeding profusely, and throwing his head into the fire, his body following close behind.

His dying eyes saw the flames coming and devouring his flesh slowly but efficiently. He could smell his burning flesh and hear the cracking of his bones as the fire consumed them.

The sound didn't feel so good when it was his body breaking and disintegrating, but he never once regretted what he did to others. He enjoyed his lifestyle too much for that. His only regret was that he was murdered by such an insignificant little girl.

The burning was more painful than anything he had ever experienced in his life or afterlife.

"How could a little insolent girl beat me, the most powerful vampire?" was the last thing he thought before, what was once Stanton, turned to ashes.

As his body burned up and thick smoke started filling up the warehouse, Cecilia couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of the fire that was scorching up her enemy.

One moment she was clutching her wounds and enjoying the glory of her victory, the next moment darkness took her in its cold embrace.

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