Chapter 12

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Once they were inside the house, and Cecilia was as calm as one could be in her situation, Tobias decided it would be as good a time as any to talk to her.

"I am sorry," was the first thing he said.

"I should have been more careful, but I have never had to take care of a newborn vampire before, so I don't know what I am doing. It feels like I am trying my best, but I am still not helping you out. The best thing I can do now is trying to help you control your thirst, your instincts." He said.

Cecilia couldn't help but wonder if he could read her mind. Although that sounded like an excellent idea, she still wasn't sure if she could trust him. The only thing she knew about the vampire world was what he told her, so the information could have been corrupted. Still, she didn't want to harm another living being ever again.

"The taste was delicious, so fresh and satisfying," she thought to herself making her thirst flare up once more.

Quickly, she shook her head trying to shake off those kinds of thoughts and to focus on something else. Instead of thinking about feeding, she started thinking about Tobias, trying to decipher him, to decide whether she could trust him or not.

After a long look into the depths of his calming eyes, she decided that at that point, she had nothing to lose by letting him help her control her vampire side.

"Okay, fine." She said.

"But if I feel like you are not being honest with me, or if I feel that I am in danger, I will leave. I don't want to hurt any living beings, but I don't have to stay here to avoid doing that.

For some reason, I seem to trust you. If you betray my trust, I will not only leave but also make you regret that you ever tried to trick me. Do we understand each other? "She said.

"Yes, perfectly." He said with a small smile.

He loved the fact that she was so strong and determined.

"I can promise you that I will not betray your trust. After all, I just want to help you." Tobias added.

"Okay, so what do we do to help me control my thirst, which by the way keeps flaring up even after I fed on the bagged blood and the poor rabbit?" She asked.

Tobias explained that the thirst of the new vampires was much greater than the one of older vampires, so before he started teaching her anything, he had to give her some more blood to drink.

It occurred to him that she could also feed on him, but he dismissed the idea since he thought it would make her disgusted. Also, it would require a huge amount of explaining since she seemed to have very strange ideas of vampires, mostly what she saw in those terrible vampire movies that humans keep making.

Instead, he went to his fridge and got four more bags of blood deciding that would have to be enough since his supplies were being quickly dilapidated. He didn't expect a newborn would need so much blood, but it was something he should have anticipated.

She finished drinking the blood in a matter of seconds, but at least, made less of a mess than the first time she drank blood.

Once her thirst was satiated, Tobias decided to start helping her learn how to control her thirst because that was the most important thing if she were to mingle among humans.

The problem was that controlling one's hunger was an individual thing. Every individual had a different way of dealing with it, so he started her off with some basics.

He told her about the way thirst worked, how it was an instantaneous reaction, an overwhelming need that was difficult to control.

"Different vampires have different techniques that they use to control their thirst, but all of them have one thing in common, breaking the focus on thirst. Once we are fixated on feeding, it is very difficult to snap us out of it. "

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