Chapter 14

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Although Cecilia was surprised by the sudden change in Helen's behavior, going from polite to threatening, her body reacted instantly. It didn't leave her any time to think or doubt, it immediately went on the defense.

Her fangs came out in seconds, her body tensing for the fight. Soon enough, Helen attacked with such a fast and precise attack, that Cecilia barely had time to react.

Luckily, she was younger and faster thus was able to avoid Helen's sharp teeth. Boiling anger mixed in with the need to defend herself became her whole world.

She stalked towards the other vampire with a burning hatred. In a matter of seconds, she jumped on Helen, and although she was able to avoid the initial attack, Cecilia just bounced off the wall attacking again.

None of them paid any attention to the furniture they were breaking or the general chaos left in their wake. They were too focused on ripping each other's throats out to focus on anything else.

Suddenly, Helen lost her focus for a split-second which was enough for the newborn to get the upper hand. She jumped on Helen's back and was about to sink her teeth in and drink the blood she could feel in Helen's jugular vein.

Her mouth was practically watering at the prospect. However, before she had the chance to do that, Helen spoke up in a calm voice.

"It's time to stop, young one. Control your urges," she said.

Tobias could hear the loud crashes from the room he left, but he knew that his sire would never hurt Cecilia, not after what he told her. Still, it was nerve-racking for him to hear them attacking each other and not going in there and stopping all that.

He knew he shouldn't interfere, that she should learn to deal with things on her own, but he still worried about her safety. It was especially ridiculous because he knew that even if Helen wanted, she couldn't hurt a vampire that young. It would take more than one vampire to do that.

Unable to control his actions, he gravitated towards the guest room with no intention of interfering. He just wanted to be able to check in on her, to hear she was okay.

There was a lot of scrambling around and hissing coming out of the room, but that was no indication of what was happening inside. Helen had told him before about his training and what she did, and he knew the same was happening at that moment, still, that didn't ease his worry.

It was strange, he hasn't felt worried since he was a human, a long, long time ago. When he heard Helen's silent voice, he couldn't help but smirk proudly because he knew Cecilia had won, but he was also worried about Helen.

Cecilia's control was still a work in progress, he wasn't sure she would be able to stop. She probably wouldn't want to stop since to her Helen's attack seemed genuine. It wasn't clear to her blurred mind that it was just a test. He stood there ready to barge in if it came to that.

Surprisingly enough Cecilia managed to stop herself from tearing into the other vampire's neck.

"What the hell?" She asked totally confused.

"I had to make sure that you could control your instincts well enough, even in stressful situations. Also, without Tobias's help, because no matter how much he tries, he can't always be there when you lose control. You have to learn to rely on yourself, to be as independent as you were when you were a mere human. I don't know much about humans, but I am pretty sure they don't go around on a leash controlled by other humans. What Tobias is doing here sounds like that to me." Helen said, confidently.

"Hey, it's not like that, I am just trying to help," Tobias stated, barging into the room.

"I know, I know, but you are not being very rational about this one, are you?" Helen challenged.

"Can we not talk about this now," he said shifting uncomfortably.

His eyes shifted towards confused Cecilia, and Helen seemed to understand his silent plea.

"Fine, I will be back as soon as I can for a few more lessons, but you are doing a good job for someone who was human until recently," Helen said to Cecilia.

Not waiting for a reply, the older vampire left the room and the two confused vampires.

"I am sorry about her. I know that what she did must look awful to you, but it does help," he said.

"Yeah, I guess it's just shocking. I was so angry and scared that I could barely stop. It's unnerving to feel all those dark emotions inside me. I wanted to rip her head off, and I would have if she hadn't been so experienced. But not only that, I wanted first to drink her dry. Then, pull her head out and watch life, or whatever it is we have, drain out of her. How could I want all of that? I never felt such dark emotions, I lost myself in anger. It wasn't about hunger, that was not why I lost control. It was pure and undiluted anger, and I hate it. The terrible dark thing is always inside me and who knows when it will take over my actions. " Cecilia said.

"I told you that all the emotions are intensified. Normally, the same is true for anger. That is the reason Helen attacked you. She wanted to make sure that you can control your anger. You need to be able to be around other vampires and eventually humans. If you can't control your anger and blood-lust it poses a huge threat to the whole vampire society. But you don't have to worry, you did great. I think that with time, you will be able to live your life the way you chose. You will live forever and your range of emotions will be much broader but it will be as normal life as you choose. " He said, soothingly.

Seemingly managing to reign in her frustration, she asked a question that had bothered her ever since he mentioned emotions.

"What do you mean when you say that the emotions are intensified? Do you mean all the negative emotions? Are there any positive emotions to be felt when you are a vampire?" She asked unthinkingly.

Ever since she turned, she seemed to be unable to comprehend the impact her words had.

"Well, all emotions are intensified. Negative emotions, as well as positive, can sometimes be too much to bear. Of course, there are positive emotions. You are just too confused to notice them right now, but you will feel them eventually. Joy, love, excitement all of this can be much more than you could ever imagine." He said.

At first, she didn't seem to believe him, but at last, she decided to give him the benefit of doubt and just nodded in acknowledgment.

"Why don't I leave you to wrap your head around this and then when you are ready, we can talk about our next steps." He stated, kindly.

"Sounds good, before you leave, I have a strange question. Do, we, vampires, sleep in coffins?" She asked.

"Well, I don't, but I do know some vampires who do. Would you like to?" He asked, shocked.

"If I am being honest, yes. This all looks too normal for me to come to terms that I am a vampire, maybe the coffin would help." She said, sheepishly.

"I'll see what I can do about it," he said leaving the room.  

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