Chapter 13

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"What are you doing here?" He said to the newcomer.

"Is that the way to treat your sire?" Helen asked annoyed.

"I know, I am sorry. Now is not a good time for me, " he said meekly.

"I know, that is why I am here. Did you think that no one would notice, that no one would know? Why would you do something as crazy as turning another human?" She asked.

"She was dying," he said simply.

"Yes, that is generally what humans do. Why was this one so different that you were ready to break our laws to keep her around?" Helen asked.

Before answering, he tried to judge if they were far enough from Cecilia so that she couldn't hear them. Since he wasn't sure, he whispered in reply.

"She reminds me of someone, so I couldn't just let her disappear from the face of the earth. " He said.

"Oh," her voice turned gentle as the realization hit her.

"She reminds you of Celeste. Since you couldn't save her, you are trying to make it up by saving this girl?" She asked.

"Something like that, yes. Will you help me?" He asked.

"Of course, I am one of the oldest vampires in existence, I can just tell them you had my special permission. No one would dare question me; they know me too well," she said growling.

"But I am guessing you also need my help with dealing with a newborn." She asked.

As he bobbed his head in agreement, he couldn't help but feel grateful to his sire. They didn't always see eye to eye, but she was always there when he truly needed help.

Since he didn't want to scare Cecilia, he went back and explained who it was, asking for her permission for his sire to try to help her out.

"She has dealt with young vampires more than once and I think she can give you some helpful advice because I don't remember much about being a newborn. I should probably mention that she is my sire and I trust her completely, otherwise I would have never asked her for help." He said cautiously not knowing what her reaction might be.

After contemplating for a few moments, Cecilia hesitantly agreed. It was obvious that for some reason he trusted that woman implicitly, and that made her feel a bit more comfortable.

"When did I start trusting him so completely?" She wondered to herself.

Not sure if that was a good thing or not, she just knew that she had nothing to lose. For some strange reason, she trusted him and his judgment, although she was still a bit fearful of meeting a new vampire.

After a moments' consideration, she realized that she had nothing to fear, she was much stronger than both of them being a newborn. Thus, she composed herself and sat down on the bed trying to look as presentable as possible although she had a feeling there were some blood drops on her clothes or even on her face.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of a door opening and a young blond woman entering the room cautiously.

Even though she knew the other vampire was there to help, she let a small defensive growl escape and her fangs came out immediately.

"It's okay. My name is Helen, I am here to help. I mean you no harm. You can control your instincts just focus on the sound of my voice and try to reign in your instincts." The other vampire said using the most soothing tone.

It had a calming effect on Cecilia until it was overpowered by her other senses, as she jumped off the bed in a flash and tried to attack the other vampire.

She wasn't aware of her actions and unable to control them she would have been able to sink her teeth into a less experienced vampire, but Helen managed to move just in time.

Although Cecilia had the strength and blood lust of a newly born vampire, she didn't have the speed and levelheadedness of older vampires. That was when Tobias stepped in front of her breaking her focus.

"Stop." He said gently.

Surprisingly enough, she did stop. She wasn't sure if it was the fact that he broke her focus or the fact that she never wanted to hurt him, but she stopped and quickly moved back to the bed.

"Sorry." She said, disappointed with herself.

"It's quite alright. You are doing much better than I expected." Helen said, thoughtfully.

Even though Cecilia didn't believe her completely, it still made her feel a bit better about herself and what's more important it made her try even harder to control her instincts, to prove that she was doing well.

Helen asked Tobias to leave the room and not to come back even if he heard some noise since she wanted to teach Cecilia how to control herself without his help.

"You won't always be there to stop her; you need to let her do this on her own. She can't hurt me no matter how strong she is, so it would be better for me to test her limits and teach her control." Helen said.

Muttering disapproval, Tobias turned his eyes toward Cecilia and only left when she nodded in agreement.

It made him feel uncomfortable, but he knew that Helen would make sure that she was okay. It would probably be good for Cecilia.

The moment he left the room, Helen barred her teeth at Cecilia, and crouched, ready to attack. Loud growls filled the room as both vampires got ready for what was coming.  

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