Cool Kids [Jock!Green x Nerd!Reader]

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Welcome to the world of Highschool AUs. Also if this story seems a little familiar.... good. Kuddos whoever can remember from where.


There they are. The cool kids of the school. The seniors who rule this entire place. PokeHigh is one of your stereotypical high schools, well, at least stereotypical for America. They have the groups of people. The jocks, the nerds, the preps, and the nobodies. You would think that you would be a nobody, but no. You're a Nerd. You're also a Sophomore. It's better than being a freshman. The freshmen of the year are the Sinnoh kids. Dawn, Barry, Lucas, exetera. You're lucky to be in a good friend group.

"Hey (name), you've been staring off into space for a while now. Are you alright?"

You snapped out of your mind, a light blush dusting over your cheeks. You look at Wally, sitting across from you bashfully. He sat next to his boyfriend Brendan, who had an arm around him proudly. You and Wally were definitely nerds. You two are the kind of people to get bullied for homework answers. Well, at least Wally could be protected by Brandon. He is a track star so that brings up his social status. May, who was next to you with her girlfriend Lisia, was sketching out a new design in her sketchbook. The fashionista theater girls. That helped them out. You were the most helpless in your fiend group.

"Oh! Uh, yeah! I'm perfectly fine Wally I promise! Just... dreaming."

Dreaming, yeah you were dreaming. But what were you dreaming of? The direction you were staring off to in the cafeteria was towards the center table with the most popular of the bunch. Red, Blue, and Green. The three seniors that everyone had fallen head over heels for. Red, the silent intimidating boy. Blue, the sassy girl who is the head of the cheerleading squad. And then Green. Everyone who is attracted to boys in this school has had a crush on Green. Guess what Reader? That includes you. Of course, it was a hopeless dream, but the heart wants what it wants. Even if you know it's going to get broken. 

"Dreaming about what?"

You flush red again. Wally, so pure. So innocent. So cute. You averted your eyes. You needed to think of a lie and you needed to think of one now. Luckily, yet unfortunately, you weren't able to think of one. Your face went pale as you saw one of your many bullies hovering behind Wally with her arms crossed and a smirk staring right into your soul. Not Susie. Please not Susie. Wally lokked up And squeaked. Brendan pulled him close protectively while May and Lisia pretended she wasn't even there.

"Hey Twerp. Guess who got out of Lunch Detention And is starving? Me. Hand over your lunch money before I give you and all your friends a knoogie sandwich."

The messy haired, brawny brunette girl stuck out her hand. You don't have much money leftovers, having already spent it on your lunch. But it was for the rest of the week. Given it was only one more day, but you still needed to eat on Friday! Lowering our head, you slipped your hand in your pocket and pull out the dollars you had. You were about to hand it to her when you heard someone clear their throat. The entire cafeteria gasped and had eyes on your lunch table as none other than the cool kids circled around Susie. Red on her left, Blue on her right, and Green standing right behind her. It was Susie's turn to have the color drain out of her face.

"Hey Twerp. Guess who has you cornered and can get you kicked off the Volleyball team when I talk to my dad about how you were threatening a kid out of their lunch money? Me."

Green sneered at her, hands on his hips and smirking. Susie whipped her head around to look at Blue. She was snickering and had her phone out. If she was recording or not was up for debate, but always assume she is to be safe. She whipped her head around to see Red just glaring st her from underneath the brim of his hat. His eyes practically glowed red. Just like his name. She whipped back around to you, baring her teeth and sneering.

"You're damn lucky you got the Seniors next your back or else you wouldn't be coming to school ever again!"

With that, Susie fled like one of those RPG villains after being defeated. She pushed her way in between Blue and Green, too terrified to even get another glance at mister tall mute and handsome, and booked it towards the bathrooms so she could probably smoke. Everyone had their jaws dropped, especially you. Your face was entirely red and so many emotions were goin good through your systems. What just happened!? All three of them looked around at your table. Blue sat down next to Lisia, who happily started chatting with her like they've been life long besties. Red sat down next to Brandon, just absorbing the entire scene. Then Green at next to Wally, looking directly in your eyes with his chin rested on his hands, folded over so they made a bridge.

"Are you okay? Susie isn't exactly a girl for empty threats. Did she touch you? Hurt you?"

You shook your head maybe a little too fast to appear sane. This whole thing was crazy! He actually noticed you, one. He SAVED you from Susie, two. AND his friends were hanging out with your friends DURING LUNCH, three. The whole school was astonished! Now, to his question. If you admit she's hurt you real bad many times before she would probably actually kill you the next time she sees you. Maybe it's letter not to take that chance. You know better than anyone she hides a switchblade in her bra.

"No. I always comply and she doesn't hurt me. Besides, she always goes after my friends when I don't do what she wants anyways..."

Like that, time stopped. Green reached his arm across the table and lifted your chin up. You hardly realized you were looking down in an ashamed fashion. He forced you to stare in his eyes. His dreamy, good looking, handsome eyes. He smiled at you and looked you up and down quickly, as if sizing you up in a glance. As if he was debating on something. Then, time resumed as he spoke again.

"Never again. You don't have to comply to everyone's wishes. That's how you get into toxic relationships. It would kill me to see such a beautiful human being to go to waste in an abusive relationship. Here, call me~"

Like that, Green slipped you his number in a paper the size of a fortune cookie's fortune. You dropped your jaw again and he picked it back up for you, chcukling at how cute you are. You glanced at his friends. Blue was having a good discussion with May, Lisia, and Brendan. Wally fell asleep on Brendan. Then there was red. He just tipped the brim of his Hat off to you and give you on of his all to rare smiles. You stared back at Green, who just smiled at you.


These are the cool kids.

1210 Words

Wow this took forever and it is so bad I'm so freaking sorry I'm the worst.


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