Figure Out Plan B. ASAP

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Jack's P.O.V

I walked into Ailani's room with the black folder Solomon had given me, and sat on the bed next to Katie. The bathroom door was locked and so I assumed Ailani was still in the bathroom.

So I waited.

"Uh, Jack? Answer my question! We've been looking all over for you." Katie exclaimed. I kept my eyes upon the TV, watching a Spanish advert on food.

"You obviously didn't look all over for me. I was in the hotel." I murmured.

"We checked all the floors," she said.

I turned to look at her, dragging my attention away from the screen. "All the floors?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

She looked at me with a surprise and shock. "All of the floors we dared to go to, which was only the 3rd."

I laughed a little and went back to the advert.

"You don't mean that you were on one of the other floors? Marcus told us not to go there otherwi-."

I stopped her from finishing. "Katie, I'll tell you everything as soon as Ailani comes out of the bathroom. Speaking of which, how long has she been in there?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders and watched the TV again. "Long enough."

I walked over to the door and knocked twice, what I had to say couldn't wait. Steam hit me hard as Ailani walked out; the room was wet from the shower.

"How long have you been in there for?" I asked curiously. Her dark hair was damp, her tanned legs still dripping with water. She shrugged lazily and walked straight past me. Her facial expression was one between someone that had seen a ghost, and a kid that had just experienced what it felt like to be high.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked her as she sat herself down on the edge of the bed.

Ailani turned to look at me and shook her head. "No," she said. "I know there's something you're hiding Jack. Something that you need to tell me."

I stared at her blankly. I wasn't expecting a confrontation. That's when I noticed that her hands were shivering abnormally. Something had happened to her.

"Errm..." I started. "This is going to sound bizarre and crazy..."

"They're werewolves aren't they?" Ailani interrupted me. I nearly choked on my saliva.

Katie's eyes went wide with shock and horror. "What?" we both spoke simultaneously.

Ailani didn't seem phased. "Everyone in this building is a werewolf. Which means the man that just came in the room must be my mate."

I choked on my saliva. "What man?!" I exclaimed, turning to Katie. She was about to answer me when Ailani interrupted again. "That's not the point, Jack. Answer the question."

I swallowed a massive lump of air before I managed to get myself to nod. I was going to tell them everything. Everything except the 'mate' part.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" Katie cried.

I sat down on the bed opposite them. "I have been telling you that werewolves are real for the past 3 years now guys, you didn't want to believe me. And in my defence, I didn't know that they were truly werewolves until about 2 hours ago." I turned to Ailani once again. "Now what man are you talking about?"

"Do they want to kill us?" Ailani asked. Her calmness was starting to make me feel uneasy.


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