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I was coming around in the hotel room, an argument happening as I slept. "Minhyuk, I swear to God, I'm going to down a bottle of xan if you do not shut the fuck up. I'm not having sex with you. You're not jerking me off. I'm stressed out, but not that stressed. Don't make me push off that fucking balcony." I groaned softly, turning over.

"Come on," Minhyuk groaned. Shit, I wanted to shoot Minhyuk if it meant he'd lay the fuck off.

I shifted a bit more. "Shut the hell up!" I yelled, covering my head with a pillow. "My head fucking hurts."

Hyungwon came over to me. "Can I hold you?" He asked. I didn't really want to be touched, but it was him. I nodded, letting him crawl into bed with me.

"Oh, lovely," Minhyuk chuckled. "I could just about throw up." He remarked.

I rolled my eyes. "There's a whole ass trash can in the lobby. I find it more disgusting to keep pursuing someone who doesn't fucking want you," I shrugged. "But what do I know? I know what I want and what I want is for you, my headache, to crawl back to the depths of hell it came from. Bye." I wasn't having it.

It fell silent for a bit before I heard the hotel door open and shut heavily. "What happened to you, Ki? I found your wandering the parking garage at the hospital and your neck is bruised."

I remembered everything, every single touch, movement. But, it was better to stay absent. "You did?" I asked softly. "I don't know. I just want to sleep." I mumbled, shuffling into Hyungwon's arms.

"Did he do it?" Hyungwon asked.

I shrugged. "I don't remember anything that happened." I looked up slightly. "Wow, you look so kissable right now." I mumbled, giving him a soft kiss.

Hyungwon couldn't help but smile at me. "Stop trying to distract me," he chuckled. Hyungwon made me feel a certain way. I wanted to open up to him and let him have me. All of me. He was the only person to love all of me. Respect all of me. That's all it took to make me fall for him.

I should just tell him... But I'll lose him. "Is it working?" I asked, my hand running across his chest.

Hyungwon wrapped his arms around me. "A little bit," he smiled, kissing my neck.

"Then," I shifted to straddle him. "I'm not trying." I wanted to push the limits with Hyungwon. Every limit.

We were stuck in a steamy make out session until Hyungwon moved his hands from my back to my hips. I froze up, my entire image of this intense moment quickly becoming distorted.

"Sora," he said. "You're so disrespectful, darling." His hands left my neck, grabbing hips harsher. "You're so sexy... And so disrespectful. What on earth am I supposed to do with you?" Almost in a flash, it seemed, my shirt was gone, exposing my sports bra which was easier to take off than a binder and way less masculine. My jeans dropped ever so slightly, enough to expose what I didn't have. Within moments, the pressure and strain on my hips increased significantly. I was spoken to in the most derogatory, dehumanzing ways. I was treated like the sex toy everyone saw.

As I emerged from my memory, I found myself shaking. Crying and shaking. Moaning through a clenched jaw, crying and shaking. "Kihyun!"  Hyungwon said, trying to shake me out of my anxiety attack. "Shh, baby I'm sorry. Hey, I didn't mean to, we were caught up in the moment..." He spoke to me softly, holding me tightly. I shook my head, moaning more. I was trapped in my mind and I couldn't get out. Here Hyungwon was and for the moment, he transformed into Abraham, my thoughts painting that violent picture. I flashed back to the hospital as the lie was slowly getting to me. I wasn't ready to lose Hyungwon. So the lie was just going to have to get to me. "Ki, look me in my eyes," Hyungwon murmured, gently holding my face. When we locked eyes, I could tell it was him. I was looking into the warm brown eyes of someone I wanted, not the icy blue perverted stare of someone I didn't want. It was the first thing I noticed that brought me back to reality.

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