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"Kihyun!" Jae yelled, meeting us in the emergency room. "What the hell happened?" I didn't want to hear it. I didn't do it.

Minhyuk took over. "He went over and got some things. This all happened after he left." I had a migraine starting. I didn't like Wonho at the moment but he didn't deserve to be shot. Anxiety was crazy.

"Is there someone here for Lee Hoseok?" A doctor came out.

Jae rushed back toward him. "My son, please... How is he?" I started to walk with them until he turned around and snapped at me. "You stay away from him."

I scoffed slightly. "Did he fucking call you to help him? No, he reached out to me. You haven't been helping him the entire time. It's been me and Shownu. You threw yourself into work. If you can't be there for your kids, stop having them and stop taking them in off the fucking streets." Jae raised his hand as if he was going to slap me. My chest puffed up as my voice boomed. "Hit me, I fucking dare you. You don't get to act like I left him stranded on purpose when you can't even face your shortcomings, you piss poor excuse of a parent. You didn't know he was fighting for his life until you turned on the news. You didn't know he tried to kill himself until you pulled up and your fucking house had ambulances and fire trucks in the driveway. You didn't know that he was selling his body for drugs until he told you before trying to get clean. You didn't know his fucking molester was the man he sold his body to. You saw your child change and you sat there like a dumbfuck, not trying to figure it out. You have a 'if he's in trouble, he'll tell me' attitude and everybody in the fucking room can tell you, whether they have kids or not that that is not how it works. If he's in trouble, he's scared. Yeah, you saved him, but we don't have a good track record with men in this town. So, you still wanna hit me? When I am the one who's been saving your son, even when I swear on my life that I don't want to?" Jae took a deep breath, turning red from embarrassment.

Another doctor came out. "Is there anyone here for a Sohn Hyunwoo?" I raised my hand, smiling softly.

Yet, another. "Family here for Im Changkyun?"

I felt my heart plummet to my stomach and meet up with my asshole. My knees were weak. "What's he doing here?" I asked. The doctors fell silent.

"Kihyun," Minhyuk sighed. "Let's go see Shownu and Wonho real quick."

I shook my head. "Tell me he's not the shooter." No answer. Did they not hear me? "I said, tell me he's not the fucking shooter!" Hyungwon grabbed my hand, wrapping his arm in mine.

"From the questioning the police did with Hyunwoo," Hyunwoo's doctor started. "It sounds like he was indeed the shooter." Minhyuk rushed by my side, helping Hyungwon keep me up. "It seems that jealousy and anger was the main motivator. He shot each of them twice before shooting himself."

Hyungwon let go of me, starting to spiral himself. Minhyuk wrapped his arms around me as I fell to my knees, crying. "Currently, everyone is stable. Changkyun is in a coma, Hyunwoo is partially sedated." Changkyun's doctor sighed.

"Okay," I sniffled, standing up. "Okay, I'm here for them." The doctors furrowed their eyebrows. "All of them, I'm here for all of them. Take me to them now, please." I followed the doctors, Minhyuk and Hyungwon trailing behind.

First, to see the victims. Shownu and Wonho were right across from each other. As I walked into Wonho's room, I noticed Hyungwon take a step back. "I-I said I wished he was dead. I said awful things to him. He's my best friend and we're actually brothers and I didn't forgive him and he gets shot." I grabbed his face, making him look at me.

"You didn't take the gun and shoot him." Hyungwon whimpered softly before letting some tears fall. "You did not kill him. He is not dead. He's right there. You can come in." I took his hand and led him into the room.

Wonho stirred a bit, opening his eyes slowly. "Hyungwon?" He asked. "What are you doing here?"

Hyungwon took a deep breath. "Mr. Lee... am I allowed to sit next to him?" Jaesung nodded, offering up his chair. "Wonho, can I sit next to you?" Wonho hummed in agreement. As he sat down, he took his hand. "What you did to me... what you did to us? It was beyond fucked up. I have never known anything to be more fucked up. I was there for you. Killing for you wasn't enough?" Hyungwon sighed, wiping his tears away. "I love you, okay? You were my best friend. You were my ride or die. But I haven't ever felt romantic feelings for you. You always seemed like my little brother and I guess I always knew it. So you cannot love me like you say you did. And I haven't forgiven you yet. I'm not there yet." Wonho nodded, clearly fighting back his own tears. "With that being said?" Hyungwon wrapped his arms around Wonho. "You're my brother. I love you still. And I never meant what I said. I don't want you to die. I think you have so much potential to be a good guy." I noticed Wonho visibly relax into a shaking a sob.

He grabbed onto Hyungwon. "I'm so sorry, Hyungwon. I never meant to hurt you like that, I'm so sorry."

I smiled softly, stepping out of the room to go across the hall. "Kihyun?" Shownu asked, taking a deep breath. "What do I do? I can't... what should I do?" He didn't look too good. Sweating profusely, slurring his speech. His hand was shaking uncontrollably as well.

"Well," I held his hand to try to stop the shaking. It wasn't gonna stop. "Do you think Changkyun planned this?" I asked.

He shrugged. "For the past few weeks, he's been heavily interested in murder-suicide cases. He would ask me about people like Judith Barsi or Kevin James Loibl." I cocked my head in confusion. "Judith Barsi was a child actress and her father killed her and her mom before himself. And the other one was an obsessive fan of Christina Grimmie. He killed her and then himself." I felt a pang in my stomach against. "I didn't think anything of it. I kept running off to help Wonho stay on track. He was becoming too interested in murder-suicides and I didn't think about. That's my fucking boyfriend and I didn't think about it?" His blood pressure and pulse started to spike.

I hit the call button. "Doctor!" I yelled. "I need a doctor in here!" I got out of the way as they came in to check on him.

"Hurts," Shownu groaned. "Chest." I didn't need to see any more. I rushed off to find Changkyun's room.

I checked his vitals on the monitor. He was stable still. "You fucking idiot!" I yelled. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I moved his bag of clothes off the chair. "Are you cuffed?" I looked on the sides of his bed. "As you fucking should be." I decided to be nosy and look in his jacket he was wearing. I found an envelope. "Is this your letter?" I opened it up and looked at its contents.

"Kihyun?" Minhyuk walked in. "What are you doing? You shouldn't touch his things."

I flashed the papers I found. "He was pissed... this was acrimony, revenge, resentment." I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was reading the paper correctly again. "I told you to stop sleeping with him, didn't I?" I sighed. "Didn't I?! But when does anyone listen to me? Now, my brother and his safe haven are fighting for their lives. All because you couldn't be bothered to put on a condom? Because you trusted him and he let you down?" I took the envelope to give the police. I had no care or an ounce of sympathy for him at this point. I had a bone to pick with Shownu too but later, when he lived. "He was not only jealous that Wonho got more of Shownu's attention but he was pissed off that Shownu gave him a fucking STD." I handed the papers off before rushing out of the emergency room.

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