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Wonho came home before Hyungwon was able to, much to my disdain. Not only was Wonho cooperative (or, what I would call manipulative), Hyungwon wasn't eating or sleeping and he was waking up from nightmares often. I wanted to spend my day taking care of Hyungwon, it was my day to do so anyway. But Jae really wanted me home for Wonho. I didn't give a fuck. I only cared because it was what Jae wanted.

When we walked in the house, Wonho went straight upstairs. I assured Jaesung that we'd be okay as I walked upstairs behind him. "Everything's different," Wonho noticed, looking around. In our closet, we took the wooden bar down. One side of the closet had his clothes folded in a bin, mine mirroring the other side. Belts were in a locked bin on the shelf above. We didn't have two beds anymore, we had a bunk bed that was built into the wall. And it wasn't tall enough for anyone to hang. I'd personally gone through all of his drawers getting rid of all of his drugs, sharps, and alcohol. All of it was gone. I knew he was going to get pissed. Wonho had gotten even more hostile, but I hadn't had any care in the world. If he wanted to fight me, he could. Our bedroom door didn't even lock properly anymore. We replaced the doorknob for one that not only didn't lock, but one that was skinny. It would fall down before allowing someone to hang from it. Same for the bathroom.  There wasn't a shower curtain bar or a locking door. We had a light outside the door that would turn red when we turned the bathroom light and green when we turned it off.

I laid down on the bottom bunk. "You're gonna have the top bunk." I shrugged, turning on our lamp.

"Why?" Wonho rolled his eyes, looking in his drawers.

I looked up, kicking the top bunk. "I'll hear you if you get up." I didn't want to talk to him, but I had to ask him again. "What happened to you?" Wonho rolled his eyes, heading for the door. I got up, quickly standing in front of it.

"You don't want to cross me right now." He growled.

I shook my head. "You're treading on thin fucking ice. Did it hit you that you became the product of your parents? Huh? A druggie and a rapist?" Wonho tensed up a bit. "Ah, so I hit a nerve. Who'd you sleep with to get a fix, Wonho? Is that what you were doing when you switched up on Jaesung?"

He went to punch me but I ducked. "Mind your fucking business, Kihyun." I wasn't backing down from him.

"You're destroying my father because you're destroying yourself. I'll be damned if you fucking do that." That sparked laughter from him.

I pushed him off of me, staying in front of the door. "Dude, your mother kept him from you. You didn't know he existed until two months ago. Fuck off with that 'my father' shit."

I actually started laughing. "You didn't know your sperm donor existed until a month ago and you were ready to call him Daddy. Fuck you." He was slowly losing his will to fight. "You fucking ruined my baby. I don't take kindly to that. You destroyed him. He doesn't get to come home because he still sees you when he closes his eyes. He doesn't get to come home because he cries all day. He doesn't get to come home because me, his mom, Minhyuk, we all sit there every fucking day and hold him. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep, he doesn't even fucking speak. He cries. Fuck you, you piece of shit. Apple doesn't fall far from the goddamn family tree." I turned around and walked out of the room, rushing downstairs.

"What happened?" Jaesung asked, finally walking in the house. "Where are you going?"

I turned on my heel quickly to see Wonho coming downstairs. "I'm going to fix what he fucking broke." I reached in my pocket, texting Minhyuk to come get me.

Wonho shook his head. "You wanna know what happened to me?" He asked.

"I've only been fucking asking you to tell me for a week." I shrugged.

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