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I was a pissed I never knew I could be. But I couldn't focus on that. "I'm starting some medication for this STD today." Shownu sighed a bit. "I can't believe he did this to me... I was trying, Kihyun. I really was. I didn't cheat on him."

I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. "If you could say anything to him, what would it be?" Minhyuk asked.

Shownu thought for a bit. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you the way I did when we were younger. I'm sorry I did what I did. But I'm not sorry that I love you. I'm not sorry that even when you shot me, I was okay with dying because you were the last thing I saw. I'm not sorry that I want you to wake up so that I can love you instead of berate you, kiss you instead of curse you, hold you instead of hate you." I couldn't tell if that was romantic or just plain crazy. Then again, did any of us have a simple love life?

A doctor came in. "Shownu, you said you had an STD?" She asked. He nodded, ashamedly. "We just did the blood work to see how we could medicate you. There's no sign of an STD in your blood."

The room fell entirely silent. He wasn't the one with the STD. And he didn't get one, thank God. But if Changkyun had one, then it was all on him. "Shownu," I said, standing up.

"So, I'm clean?" He asked. "This bitch shot me, almost killed me. Almost killed Wonho. For a disease he got by his own damn self?" He shook his head. "I'm done. I don't deserve to have a right to be done over this one thing... but he almost killed me." I nodded, holding his hand. "So, can I go? Can I get discharged?"

The doctor looked over his charts. "Yeah, you look pretty good to go. Just keep coming in to check in on your heart function." He smiled softly, nodding eagerly.

"What about Wonho?" I asked. "Can he come home?" The doctor nodded, giving them both the okay.

Minhyuk sighed, answering his phone. "Hello?" I went to wake Wonho, help him get ready. "Babe, slow down. You're rambling and I can't understand you." I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him. "Shit, do you work today? Was I supposed to take you? Here, let me put you on speaker."

Crying was heard for a while. I wasn't understanding. Was she on a fine line and about to get fired. "Minhyuk, I am late. I'm not late to work, I am late." Minhyuk still wasn't getting it and he wasn't responding.

"Uhm, hey. This is Minhyuk's friend. We'll stop by the drugstore on our way home okay?" She hung up right after. "Dude, hello? Earth to Daddy here?"

Minhyuk looked up at me before gasping. "Oh my fucking God." There it was. "Oh my God...
Uhm. Okay... I'll go get her some tests and take them to her. Can you take them both home, or does Shownu even have a place to go?" He asked, grabbing his coat.

"I'm sure Jae will let him stay. Go on, I'll be by later." He nodded, rushing off.

Wonho stirred, sitting up. "We can go home now?" I nodded, helping him get his things and preparing to sign for the both of them.

Before I left though, I went to see Changkyun. "So, Shownu wasn't the one with the STD. It's just you. What's the deal with you? You need so much help Changkyun... I can't be the one to help you anymore. So I hope you wake up and get the help you need."

As I walked away, I heard him speak up. "He took something from me... and Wonho took him from me." Then, he said something that shook me up inside. "And Akira." I turned and looked at him before calling doctors in for him.

"You're a sick son of a bitch, you know that?" I scoffed. "I can't believe I stayed by your side for this long. I can't believe I let you in. I can't believe we slept together as much as we did. What, were you gonna kill Hyungwon too? He took me away from you."

Changkyun shrugged. "That was the plan. I needed to get out though." I shook my head.

"Rot in Hell, Changkyun." With that, I rushed out of the room. Did I tell Wonho? Akira was trying to screw him over, he needed to know.

When we got home, I took a deep breath. "Shownu, Jae's gonna help you inside. I need to talk to Wonho." Shownu nodded, getting out of the car.

"I don't like this," Wonho sighed.

I shook my head, turning to him. "It's about you and Akira." He sunk back into his seat. "You didn't slash her tires, did you? And she really wanted you to sign as Benji's father? Wonho, she's no good for you."

He shrugged. "I did take the fall. I didn't want her to think Hyungwon did it. And keep hating him. And I honestly wanted a way in to help him out. But I got lost."  I shook my head.

"Changkyun woke up. And he basically told me that he had three main targets. You, Shownu, and Hyungwon. He wanted Shownu to pay for the past, Hyungwon to pay for taking me away from him, and you for taking Shownu away from him. And Akira." Wonho's face fell. "Your blood work came out good, so no broken condoms. But Changkyun has the STD from fucking around with her. Stop having sex with her. And I have a feeling she slashed her own fucking tires to blame it on Hyungwon and to extend the jurisdiction of the restrain order. I'm calling tomorrow to try to find out whether or not it's still in effect." Wonho nodded, taking a deep breath before getting out.

I got out and helped him into the house. "Thank you, Kihyun." He smiled. I nodded, helping him sit down.

I wondered what else those two were hiding... Changkyun just changed because of her. And he was ruining lives in the process.

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