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Hyungwon was getting bad again. But this was probably the worst he'd ever been. "Benji, you're gonna go with Wonnie and Honey okay? They're gonna take you to have a fun day and you'll be back for dinner. Does that sound good to you?" He nodded kissing me on the cheek.

"Bye Daddy, bye Ki!" Benji smiled and ran up to Wonho, jumping in his arms. They headed outside while Jooheon came up to me.

I sighed a bit. "How is he doing?" Jooheon asked.

I shook my head, looking toward the stairs, making sure Hyungwon wasn't watching me. "He barely even speaks to me or Benji. And when he does, it's directives for Benji or snapping at me." I rubbed my eyes as I stood up, grabbing my cane.

"I fucking heard that," Hyungwon said coming downstairs, heading to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes. "I fucking said it loud enough." I was gonna go to the kitchen, but now that he was there, I just sat back down. "How's Minhyuk holding up?"

Jooheon shrugged, fiddling with Luna's leash. "Taking care of Mama helps him, I think." I nodded, pulling the throw blanket over me. "I have to get a job... eventually. I don't ever want Mama to work like this again. No one should work so hard that they mistake painkillers and melatonin. She thought she was taking a lot of melatonin and she wasn't. I don't ever want her to work herself to death like this." I nodded, understanding what he meant.

"I get it, Joo. Trust me." He started to walk to the door. "Hey, take good care of my kid."

Jooheon smiled softly. "Don't I always?" That was very true. As soon as the door shut, I heard Hyungwon curse in the kitchen. I decided to bite the bullet, getting up.

I walked into the kitchen, going to the refrigerator. Hyungwon jumped when I opened the door. "Fuck! Don't fucking scare me like that!" I furrowed my eyebrows, turning around to look at him. "The fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I looked at him. "What the fuck are you doing?" He had one of my needles and syringes.

He scoffed. "If you would've paid any attention, I have migraines, I need to start sumatriptan." It was very suspicious to me, but I just let it be.

I watched as he went gave himself a shot in his arm, like a typical injection. I let go of the breath I was holding, calmer in the fact that it really was a medicinal injection. "Baby, you need to talk to me. The way you walk around here now, you're constantly mad and I don't know why or what I can do to fix it. Why are you so mad?"

Hyungwon rolled his eyes, putting the needle in the sharps container. "Why are you on my ass?" He asked. He started for the bathroom, leaving me alone.

I sighed, sitting at the kitchen table. His phone pinged once he shut the bathroom door. I began to call out to him, "Hyungwon, your pho-"

I noticed a name I wasn't aware of and a very suggestive picture, barely anything left to the imagination. It took all of my might to keep from looking at the message. But then again, I did have my thumbprint in his phone. I shouldn't do this, I really shouldn't.

And yet, I did. "Ginger" was the name. I scrolled all the way to the top. She was gorgeous with ginger red hair. Made sense.

Hey, you gave me your number at the coffee shop earlier. My Dream Come True, you called yourself. You have quite the ego.

And I never got your name, but if I remember, you have the prettiest red hair.

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Why thank you. I guess you can call me Ginger.

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