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After the police and paramedics finished up at my house, Minhyuk showed up. "What happened?" He asked, holding his arms out to hug me.

I stepped back, now knowing what I knew about him. "Hyungwon killed Abraham, my step-father. And Abraham almost killed Hyungwon. He was shot in the side and his upper arm."

Minhyuk sighed a bit. "That fucking boy dives in with no problem..." He looked toward the stairs. "Where's Jooheon?" He asked.

"Sleeping. I got him to keep quiet and calm during everything," I mumbled. "Please don't wake him up." Minhyuk looked at me like I was crazy.

He scoffed as he began to head upstairs. I followed after him. "Jooheon?" He called, opening his door. "Jooheon, it's time to go."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean, 'time to go?' He's not going anywhere. Hyungwon wants him here." I stood firm on that. Especially knowing now that Jooheon didn't feel comfortable around him.

"And who are you?" Minhyuk asked. "Just some bitch that my brother put his life on the line for because he's fucking stupid." I saw Jooheon sit up slightly.

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm just the bitch that your other little brother likes being around. I was going to let my step-father abuse me again just so he'd leave Jooheon alone. I care too much about him right there to let you take him back."

Jooheon whined, "Please don't fight..." He shifted further away from Minhyuk, not wanting to leave.

"Hyungwon isn't here to take care of you and I am, so I'm gonna take you home." Minhyuk reached for him. Jooheon screamed, causing Minhyuk to jump back in fear. "Baby, I know you don't like change. But we have to go." Jooheon's tears began to flow again.

He shook his head, grabbing onto my blanket. "Peach... Peach... Peach... Peach." He began crying harder and rocking back and forth.

"Leave him alone, Minhyuk." I grabbed his arm. That was a huge mistake on my part.

Minhyuk turned around and slammed me into the wall. I groaned out in pain. "I am his fucking brother. I've taken care of him. I know how to handle his stubbornness and you don't! You don't give up and let him have what he wants. Hr needs redirection just as much as any kid. His... disabilities still don't allow him any excuse."

I shook my head, trying to get out of his grip. "Do you know he doesn't like you to deal with him? Do you know that he's afraid of you? That you're the mean brother? Did you know his life falls apart when he doesn't have Hyungwon? Did you know that you started up his anxiety by telling him that Hyungwon couldn't take care of him right now and telling him it was time to go home? That's too much change for him right now!" I heard Jooheon's voice fade out. I looked around Minhyuk to see Jooheon slump forward. "Shit! Get off me!" I ripped my wrists away from him, running over to Jooheon sitting him up. "Hey, hey, hey!" I reached over to grab water for him. "Let's stand up okay?" I pulled him out of bed and had him stand up so he could get some breathing flow going.

Almost immediately after I let go of his waist, Jooheon's knees buckled under him, resulting in his collapse to the floor. "Fuck!" I grabbed him, laying him out, putting a pillow under his head. "You fucking stupid ass bitch, get away from him." Minhyuk tried to push his way through but I cut him off.

"This is my stop," I sang softly. "Got to get off. I might go pop." Jooheon moaned a bit, his breathing labored. "Excuse me, excuse me?" I grabbed the water, letting him take a few sips. "I've got to be direct..."

Jooheon smiled a bit. "La, la, la."

Minhyuk was lowkey pissed off that I was taking care of Jooheon better than he had. "If I'm wrong please correct." Jooheon gave me the back up la-la-la again. "You're standing on my neck. You're standing on my neck. You're standing on my neck!" I chuckled softly, Jooheon was quickly coming back around. "La, la, la-la-la. La, la, la-la-la." He wrapped his arms around my neck, wanting to be picked up and put back on the bed. I happily obliged, getting him back into bed. "Drink all this water, okay? I'll bring you another when you're done and then I'll check your sugar, okay?" Jooheon nodded, settling down into bed. I pushed Minhyuk out of the room, following closely behind.

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