The L Word

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Lance and Keith were in the mansion's main living room, enjoying all the joyous things that Netflix had to offer. Joyous to Keith, well... that was a horror movie. It was astonishing to him that he wasn't scared of blood after everything that had happened to him. Though the red pigment had leaked out of him and splattered everywhere, though it had gotten on him when Lance shot Kinkade, Keith wasn't frightened of it. The whole situation was just numb, and there was hardly any residual fear. Keith was stuck in the 'shit happens' mindset.

Lance was only scared of blood when it came to the ones he treasured and held dear. Kinkade's blood? James'? Yeah, that didn't phase him. Keith's on the other hand... that was a major trigger.

They were currently binge watching all the Scream movies, because even in a mansion so huge, there wasn't much else to do. Well, there was only so much Keith could do. Lance wouldn't let him do much other than hobble around, though Keith insisted he could walk just fine.

Lance's arm was wrapped around his boyfriend as they chilled on the couch. The couch pretty much ate people. Once someone sat in it, they sank deep down into the cushions and escape was near impossible. Not that either of them wanted to escape. The blanket that covered both of them up, as well as the huge bowl of popcorn that sat atop Keith's lap gave them everything they could've ever wanted.

" I've never understood these kinds of movies." Lance stated through a mouthful of popcorn.

" Why?" Keith asked while glancing up at him.

" I don't know... just... how could the same shit happen to this girl four times? It's not like that many people would want to stab one person and go on killing sprees." Lance shrugged.

" Meh." Keith leaned on him and continued watching the movie playing in front of them.

Pidge walked in the room while tinkering on her phone.

" Hey." Keith greeted.

" Hey." She responded. " Whatcha watching?"

" You know Keith. Horror movies." Lance chuckled. She plopped down on the recliner while scrolling through some things, and Keith and Lance just went back to their own deal.

" Pidge!" Matt rushed in. Pidge dropped her phone into her criss-cross-applesauced lap and her glasses nearly fell off from her jumping up.

" What?!" She heavily exhaled, feeling her heart pumping at an accelerated rate from how startled she was. Matt came and hid behind the recliner.

" You have to help me hide." Matt told his sister.

" Why?" She raised an eyebrow.

Keith and Lance exchanged a glance, then turned to look at the siblings in confusion.

" Shiro's looking for me." Matt whispered, but everyone heard him.

" Why would you be mad about that?" Pidge purred in a joking way. Matt blushed and covered his mouth while crouching and staying down by the furniture. Pidge's eyes widened when she saw his facial expression. " No." She squealed. " No way!"

" I'm so confused. Did Matt fuck my brother?" Keith questioned no one in particular.

" Wait what?!" Lance exclaimed. " Okay, get it, Matt!" He teased while snickering.

" Shut up!" Matt said, and Pidge smirked at him. He looked to the side, and her smirk only widened. " Shut up, Pidge..." He murmured.

" Did my brother finally man up and tell Shiro?" She asked with a shit eating grin. " I don't see you limping or anything..."

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