The Compromise

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(( This chapter is a wee bit shorter than the others, but I'm hoping it will clear up a few things, Loves.))

Matt was currently in the main living room of the mansion, taking full advantage of the flat screen TV. It was about two in the morning, but he had nothing better to do. He was really just trying to figure out what the deal was. He shoveled back popcorn into his mouth, thinking about what he and Shiro had done. He was no longer a virgin, and Shiro was no longer oblivious to the feelings of love Matt harbored.

Matt sat under the blanket, watching some cheesy romance film on Netflix. To All the Boys I've Loved Before was the name, and but he wasn't really paying much attention to it. There was a certain point when his brain just started shutting off and stopped giving a fuck about the world for the night. And he wasn't quite there yet, but he felt it coming.

That's when he saw Adam come into the living room. Matt scowled, pulling his blanket closer and protecting his bowl of popcorn.

Then there was Adam, who was just looking to clear the air. After all... there had been a lot going on.

" Hey." Adam sat on the couch, making sure to stay on the opposite end from Matt. Sure, Matt was hot and everything, but he got the feeling that Matt hated his guts. He kept his distance.

" Was there something you wanted?" Matt asked him, not breaking his gaze from the screen.

" Er... I..." Adam didn't know how to begin. He adjusted his glasses. " I wasn't trying to hurt you when I kissed Shiro."

Matt scoffed.

" Which time are you referring to?" He turned and sent him a death glare.

Just the thought of Adam's lips on Shiro's made Matt's blood boil.

Adam chuckled to himself. Okay. He should've assumed that this wasn't going to go well. He'd never had to tame a bottom before, and Matt was sassy as hell when he wanted to be.

" Why are you laughing? Was something I said funny?" Matt rolled his eyes.

" I'm just saying... I didn't kiss him to spite you if that's what you think. He's actually- I actually like him..." Adam proclaimed. He looked over at Matt, almost wondering what he was wearing underneath the shield of throw blankets. Maybe he was just a perv.

" Thanks for that." Matt sarcastically said. " You can back off of him. I was here first."

It sounded like they were children arguing over a toy or something. Matt gave zero fucks, however. Shiro was his.

Adam really didn't know what he was supposed to tell Matt.

" You don't own him, you know." He responded after taking a second to gather his jumbled thoughts.

Matt scowled at him, and Adam thought about something. He wondered... why couldn't they just share Shiro? It seemed like some sort of kindergarten compromise, and he knew that Matt might never agree to it. However, it also wasn't impossible.

" I love him. You don't get to come in and ruin that." Matt angrily ate some popcorn.

" Look, I didn't come here to argue with you." Adam slid a little closer, hoping that he wouldn't get pushed away. He was about a foot away from Matt on the couch. " Maybe... we could both have him."

" What?" Matt cocked an eyebrow at him.

Adam smirked.


" Come on, Babe..." Keith lugged Lance through the door, and the taller boy was giggling and hicupping like a drunken idiot. Keith was tipsy himself, but he had driven home anyways. Was it smart? Hell no. Was it responsible? Not in the slightest, but they'd gotten back. That was all that mattered.

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