More Than Friends (Todoroki Shouto)

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Todoroki Shouto

Writing Prompt Number 1 - We're not just friends and you fucking know it.

The line between friendship and love was blurred a lot at times. Were you protective of him because he was such a dear and close friend of yours, or was it something more?

Did you always partner up with him because you enjoyed his company and personality? Or was it because you needed it?

Was Todoroki a friend like you kept telling yourself? Or had he become something more as of late?

Unbeknownst to you, said boy was also considering these feelings. Did you see him as a great ally? Or someone who you could spend the rest of your days with?

The two of you were not the most normal of friends either, had the rest of the class not known already, they would has assumed you two were already dating.

"Shouto? Do you think a romantic or comedy movie would be better?" You asked as the two of you shared a couch, blanket and seat. You were on his lap, the remote in hand as you scrolled through movies to watch with him on a Saturday night.

"Doesn't matter to me." Was his monotone reply.

The classmates in the kitchen could not help but try to understand how either of you had seen it? Friends don't cuddle regularly, if at all! But yet, here was a living breathing example.

"Do they not see it? Or are they both that dense?" Mina asked.

The remaining classmates shrugged and left, knot wanting to attempt to figure out the question of 'Todoroki & (Name): couple or not?'

The strangeness of your relationship didn't stop there, but that's not what's important. What was that neither of you ever considered that these actions were nothing more then friendly and respectful.

The movie had stopped playing, the credits rolling as you both watched. In truth, the movie had been terrible, leaving you both to daydream about the what if's and possibilities of the other.

"Hey Shouto?" You asked suddenly, not knowing where this courage had come from.

"Yes?" He asked back, still watching the words on the screen was a blank and far off expression.

"We're friends, right?" You asked, your own voice sounding so unsure of this.

Shouto's mind returned to the present and he glanced at you, who was still sitting on him comfortably, his arm wrapped around you. He thought it over and came to a conclusion.

"No. I don't think we are."

"Why do you think that?" You asked curiously, wanting to know if he had reached the same conclusion you did tonight.

"I suppose it's because no one else does what we do... Midoriya and Uraraka don't sit like we sit, nor do they hold ons and share umbrellas on rainy days like we do..."

"So we're not friends then?"

"I don't think we are."

"Are we a couple then?"

"I'm not sure?" He paused and you moved to look at him. "Do you want to be more than friends?"

You chuckled and rubbed your nose along his. He flushed at the sudden contact, never having you done that before, despite all the other couple like things you did.

"Yeah... I'd like to try out this couple thing."

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