Chapter one❤️

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Am over jubilating tomorrow is school. I can't wait for tomorrow. But I can't forget my six life in NGIC where I met so many good friends like Maryam Liman Hassan, Amuna Bukar, Maryam Aliyu Shani AKA MAS, Fatima Abdulmalik, Nana Aisha Yakubu, Aisha Omolori, Aisha Murtala and others.

"Adda  Laweeza da waya Asmau do fima"(sister Laweeza take your phone Asmau is calling you) Afree said as she brought my phone. I quickly picked the call

Asmau: hello lawzy am on my way
        to the airport
Laweeza: oh really but I will be
         Coming tomorrow
Asmau: toh till tomorrow
Laweeza: book fine apartment for
Asmau: yeah that's the main reason  
       Why am going today
: Laweeza:ok safe journey I will call
         you later. Bye
Asmau: ok thank you bye

  After I finished talking to Asmau
I went to the kitchen to prepare indomie for Afree and I. I left Afree in the sitting room watching cartoon because there is no school and mom dad went to work so it was only the two of us at home.
I finish cooking the indomie after 10 minutes. I poured it inside the plate and take to the sitting room for Afree and I. We ate everything and then we continue watching Sofia the first.

My parents came back from work in the evening. "Noi sare hande bokwoi am " ( how was the house today my lovely children) mommy said as she entered the house.
"Jam no mammi" ( fine) Afree and I said in unison

After that I went to to my room to pray MAGRIB prayer while Afree went our moms room to also pray with her.
Later Afree came to call me that it was time for dinner. I immediately stood up to go down stairs to have dinner. When I reached dinning room I greeted my father while squatting " jam bandu baba"  ( good evening daddy) I said
  " jam ni noi bingel am" ( good how are you my daughter) he said
"Jango school ko"( tomorrow school right) he said
Yes daddy
Am going to miss you
"Don't worry my daughter I will coming to visit you every month inshallah anani "( you hear) he said
Ok daddy
"So you won't miss Afree and me"
Mommy interrupted
"No haba mommy I mean I will miss  all of you" I said
"Ok minka dai a janga ta fiju anani" ( ok read ur books and do not play) mommy said
"Ok mommy I won't play I will read my books" I said
Uncle Amir was there but he didn't say anything. My parents adviced to read my books and behave well with people.
After the everybody went to their room to pray  ISHAH prayer and sleep.
I prayed ISHAH prayer then I remembered I was meant to call Asmau and ask her about her journey. Oh no that's bad of me I didn't call my bestie to know whether she reach Yola safely😠
I immediately pick up my phone and dialed her number.

Me: hello Asmee noi lawar ( how was your journey) ?
Asmau: jam ( fine)
Me: hope you are not angry at me because I didn't call you since.
Asmau: why will I be I know maybe you were sleeping.
Me: wallahi I was sleeping that's why.
Asmau: I knew it
Me: yeah that's why  you are my bestie you know and understand everything about me
Asmau: shut up your mouth see you, the day I will get angry you will regret it
Me: please don't 🙏🏻
Asmau: ok I was just kidding you

Asmau and I continue our gist until 1: 00am that was when we ended our gist.
I drop my phone and then started thinking of tomorrow. As I was thinking of tomorrow while lying on the bed , I didn't know the time when I fell asleep.

Short chapter right
Don't worry as we move on I will increase the chapter 🙏🏻
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