Chapter Thirty Two❤️

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This chappie is immensely dedicated to my very good friend nanaaishayaqubu
Today's her birthday. Happy birthday sister love❤️🎉

Haydar's POV

The moment I heard what her Aunt said I averted  my gaze from the sitting room and rushed back home. I even wanted to watch a match with Amir but I left without informing him.

Bing Bing
Amir's call interrupted. I picked the call and I know what he will ask definitely. He asked me why I left and lied to him that my father sent me for an era.

I dropped the phone angrily, I almost break my phone while  dropping it on the side drawer.

What will happen now

Will she accept him and leave me.

I once heard a story of a girl that left her boyfriend for her cousin though the girl didn't like the cousin and they still got married and lived happily eventually.

Is this actually happening to me

I stood up, sat, stood up again because I was too frustrated my brain kept rephrasing what her aunt said. That was the most dirtiest  words I've heard so far. How on earth can she think of saying such thing now didn't see how I am with Laweeza.
Maybe that's why since from beginning I didn't like her that much. I thought it was in  my mind that I didn't I like but I dislike her from my  heart too. I decided to go to the compound to do some exercise maybe I'll feel better after that.

I did the exercise but I  still feel the same. I went back to my room and I sat on my yoga mat and did some yoga exercise. It really worked yoga calms my mind and heart, my body dilated from all sort of the worries and calmness took over. The room became hushed  all of a sudden I gasped for air as I went to  open window to allow air to ventilate the room though the AC is switched on.

I went to the bathroom and I took a warm shower. By the time I came out it was time for MAGRIB prayer. I performed solution and prayed. I asked Allah in my players to keep Laweeza and l together. After that I went to the bed watching the match that I missed earlier on my laptop.

Laweeza's POV

Oh my God how can I be so forgetful. I was meant to call Haydar instead I called Asmau

I'm such a big fool

I dialed his number but it was switched off.

He's angry just because of that, I didn't even agree to it. I understand why, Haydar is very possessive. I tried calling him before going to sleep but he didn't pick again. I'm starting to get worried, I hope he calms down soon because I can't bear to see his anger. His anger is not something to see. He looks anxious, horrible, disastrous furious and demonic when he's angry. I pray he calms down before he comes tomorrow.

   "Addah Laweeza come papa wants to see you, he was asking of which name do you want to use for your clinic."  Afree said.

"Ok I'm coming" I muttered and stood up and followed her to the parlor.

   "Sannu Baba, I'm here" I said as I squatted close to him.

"Afree and I was talking about your clinic" which name do you want to use" Father asked.

  "I'll use H&L Vet Clinic" I said.

  "What's the meaning" father asked.

  "Father let me tell you, it's easy to guess it" Afree muttered.

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