Chapter Thirty Six❤️

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Laweeza's POV.

I woke up around 5am to pray then I suddenly felt a sharp pain under my stomach. I stood up to check if I'm on my period.
I'm actually on my period.
The bedsheets was stained with blood. I sat on the bed thinking of what to do.

Haydar came in to inform me it's time for SUBHI prayer but he stood at the door waiting. I told him to go that I'll come to his room in a jiffy then he left.

  He came again and found me laying down on the bed in the same position.

  "Are you okay my angelie" He muttered worriedly.

  "I'm okay" I damaged  to say in my tiny voice.

   "I know you are not okay, please don't hide anything from any more because we are now one and if you hide any thing from me I won't be happy" Haydar insisted worriedly.

  "Ok fine, I can't pray now because I'm......"  I mumbled half way and stopped.

  "Because of what, tell me" Haydar muttered while looking deep into my eyes and I looked back into his hazel eyes filled with unreadable impressions.

  "You should know by now, I can't say it" I muttered facing the other side of the bed because I feel shy to say it.

"Oh sorry angelie , I got you now so you are on your period and you don't want to tell me. Don't be shy to tell me because I know everything about it. My sister, Rahma used to have menstrual pain when she's on her period so tell me do you normally have menstrual pain when you are on your period" Haydar muttered like it's normal to talk about this with a man though I felt normal talking about it with him since he's my husband.

"I do have but not all the time, sometimes I can't even eat on the first day and also vomit. If I eat any I'll vomit it immediately." I told him still facing the other side of the bed.

"Ok how is it now, I hope it's not paining you" Haydar asked worriedly.

"Now it's just my stomach that's paining but it might get worse later" I replied him.

"Ok, but I hope it won't get worse" he said worriedly.

"Yh I pray so too" I told him.

"Ok I'll go and pray it's getting late" he said as he stood from the bed and left to his room.

I couldn't believe what has happened a while ago. I told him everything without hesitation if it's someone I wouldn't have told him no matter what. He's my husband indeed I have  to tell him.

After he left I stood up  to go and clean myself. I went to the bathroom without removing the bedsheets but I dragged the duvet to cover it so that Haydar won't come back and see it when I'm in the bathroom.

After I took my bath I came out and noticed that the bedsheets wasn't there anymore. Who might have removed it and why.
Thank God the mattress wasn't stain. I was only wearing a white towel now because I just came out of the bathroom and my attention was on the bed earlier. I decide to go to my wardrobe and look for clothes to wear.

I finally got a blue fitted plain gown to wear. I saw Hayder holding a bedsheets as soon as I turned.

I wanted to scream out my voice but I just remembered we are married though I slumped from my normal position.  My legs went weak out of fear and shyness. Our eyes met suddenly. I met those hazel eyes which never failed to transfix and bedazzle me. I felt a wave with strong affinity through my whole system. I turned back facing the wardrobe trying to cover myself I brought my sanitary pad to use it. I wore my under wears and then my my gown. I turned and noticed Haydar putting the bedsheets on the bed.

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