Chapter Twenty four❤️

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Laweeza's POV

I'm very happy today is the best and happiest day and memorable birthday as well. Thank You Allah for bringing Haydar into my life. He made me so special I feel so special around Haydar. He's a loving and caring person and romantic as well🙈

"Hey my daughter, happy birthday sorry I'm late to wish you Haydar begged me not to do so because he wanted to surprise you" mom apologized.

"Thank you Mom. why are you telling me sorry, anything you do is right because I know you love me sincerely" I exclaimed.

"Ok my dear" she said as we hugged.

"Ok let's go to your room you need to sleep. I know you were waiting for me to return home before you go to bed" I told mom.

My mom is so caring she can't just sleep when we are out of the gate until we return. She will make sure everyone is alright before her mind rest. Thank you Allah for giving me such an incredible and loving mother. My mom is the best mom ever that's why I don't even dare to hurt her or watch any bastard hurting her, never.

"Good night mommy am" I said lovely.

"Ok, but go and see your father first before you go to your room" She muttered.

"Ok I'll definitely will" I told her.

I turned and headed to my father's room and I greeted him. He also wished me and he apologized for wishing me late and he told me the reason. He said that mom begged him not to wish me earlier, he also asked her why but she didn't tell him and he still obeyed her without question.

"Oh that's why Asmau forced me to dress well to go to hospital. My mind didn't process. But actually she asked me to change before she told me that Haydar had an accident" I thought as I walked out from dad's room


"Addah you look beautiful In this dress but I don't know that you have it, where did you get. I want mine too" Afree asked as soon as I entered my room.

"Oh this dress, I brought from my secondary classmate Jawahir, if you can remember her " I said.

"Oh that your good friend I used to see her when we come for your visit in school then and I wonder why is not your bestie instead" Afree muttered.

Yh you remembered her, I lost her contact but I now I got her new contact from Asmau and Asmau too got it from her friend Adama" I said.

"Ok let me show you something on IG" Afree came closer.
She showed me the page named 'clothes with jalam'

"Look very well, her designs are superb, I want to order this particular dress. And do you know she's the popping designer she's the talk of the town now, just ask anybody do you know 'clothes with jalam' and they'll tell you yes of course" Afree exaggerated

"Oh this is my friend jawahir's page ai" I told her.

"Oh so you are a friend to a celebrity, please when you're going to her house I'll escort you" Afree said surprisedly and jumping like a little baby.

"Why are you stupid Afree, she's not a celebrity for God sake, just go to your room and allow me to rest"

"No I want to stay here a bit" Afree argued.

"Ok don't worry I'll order the dress for you tomorrow, go good night" I told her and she agreed and left the room.

Now let me take a quick and warm shower and go to bed.
I'm so exhausted.

Hey my lovelies
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