Chapter Thirty One❤️

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Laweeza's POV

My father decided to cancel my masters program because I told him that I don't to leave Afree only at home. He told me that he built a small clinic that I will start my career with. I insisted that I want to go and see it and he agreed.

"Ok you can call Haydar to take and see it" he said and left the sitting room heading to his room.

I called Haydar to inform him about it

Me: Hello

Haydar: Hey love

Me; Do you know what, papa built a clinic for me to start my career, I'm extremely jubilant.

Haydar: Oh really, miss I know about it since you are left behind the dark.

Me: Is that what you said I'm angry

Haydar: Sorry just kidding, your papa told me not to inform you about it until after your masters program maybe he told you told about because he changed his mind.

Me: Oh really, come pick me I want to see the clinic right away.

Haydar: Ok I'm on my way coming.

Me: ok till then.

Haydar : Bye love take care

Me: bye
With that I ended the call and went downstairs. I sat in the sitting room waiting for him.

"Where are you going to" Afree asked.

"I'm going to see my clinic that papa built for me" I replied her.

" oh papa told me about yesterday night, Ok I'll follow you" Afree said.

"Ok I'm waiting for Haydar" I said and before I closed my mouth Haydar arrived.

" How are you" he asked referring to Afree and I.
   "Fine" we answered unisonly

   "Where is father" he asked.

  "He's in his room" Afree answered

  "Ok I'll go and greet him before we go" he muttered and left.

  Few minutes later he came back and told us he's ready and we followed him outside. We entered and car and he ignited. Afree sat at the back while Haydar and I was in front.

  "Afree which song do you want me to play for you dear" He asked Afree. He doesn't normally ask me which song I want because he knows that I don't listen to music.
Sometimes I used to think if I'm a normal human being
I don't listen to music
I don't dance
I don't sing, I only sing some song that I learnt them coincidently or maybe accidently though they're the only one I know.

I don't care about celebs if you ask me do know this artist I'll tell you I don't know ask me about actors actresses and authors  I tell you everything about them.
I preferred watching and reading novels.

"I can see you are eager to see the clinic" Haydar interrupted my thoughts, turning to look at me.

  "Yes I am" I answered.

"Ok we are almost there" he muttered

  "Ok, I'm glad that we are almost there" I said deeply jubilating.


  Few minutes later we reached a big building and Haydar told us to come down.

  "This is your clinic" Haydar shouted.

  "Oh really" I shouted too is this really the small clinic that father talked about. It's very big.

"Yes, it's all yours, you and your animals" Haydar joked.

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