Chapter Thirty Three❤️

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Laweeza's POV

I didn't want to go to that birthday party but Aftee insisted. Nana is actually Afree's immediate junior in secondary school then. They were very close like classmates.

I didn't notice that Haydar too came until he came and dragged me outside angrily. He did that because he saw me laughing with Faisal maybe.

"Why were you laughing with Faisal, have you agreed to get married to him and leave me" Haydar shouted furiously

"How on earth can you think of that" I replied him angrily.

"Ok let's go home" he commanded.

"I can't go and leave them, they'll look for me" I muttered

"I said let's go home" he shouted and dragged me to the car and forced me to sit inside.

He dropped me up quietly and left without saying anything.

I stayed in the garden because I don't want father to know I came back alone and left Afree and Faisal there. I saw Afree's call and I picked it up pronto.

"I was about to call you" I told her
"Where are you, we are outside waiting,where did Haydar take you too. I saw he was angry he didn't even say hey to me" Afree said worriedly

"Just tell Faisal to drive you home I'm at home now" I told Afree.

"Ok we will come back now" she said and ended the call.

Few minutes later, they came back and found me in the garden waiting for them. We both went inside the house and greet father. Faisal and I left the parlor but Afree stay with father.

Faisal told me that he loves Afree already. He asked me about Afree, her likes and dislikes because he wanted to know her better. I told him everything and we were talking about random things when I notice Haydar's car as he entered the house.

He turned and looked at me and Faisal of course but I didn't look back. He entered the house without saying a word. Few minutes later he came out and left.

"I think I'm going inside now, good night" I told Faisal and went inside.

As soon as I entered my room I typed a message and sent him. I was happy that he replied and apologized. I said ok and he told me good night which I did the same and then go to bed happily.

Next Day

"Wake up wake up, addah" Aunty Mairo Aunty Jummai have come." Afree shouted in my ear.

"What are they coming for" I asked with my sleepy tune.

"I don't know, but dad say that you should wake and come start arranging food, snacks and drinks on the dining table" Afree said and I quickly went out of the room with.
I saw my aunts in the parlor and my father talking.

"Good morning" I greeted them.

"How are you my dear" my father muttered.

"How are you, Laweeza" my aunts said in unison

"I'm fine" I answered gently.
After that Afree and I headed to the kitchen to start the preparation.

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