Chapter Twenty Eight❤️

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Laweeza's POV

Three Days later

I felt very vivid anxious and unusual, I didn't know that this is how it feel when someone lost their loved one especially a mother. The house is so silent and ridiculous.
I wish this will turn to be a dream. I can't believe that this is true.
  My father, Amir,Haydar and his parents came to the house. We all sat in the sitting offering prayers for mother. Our other relatives also came and left in the morning but some that are far could not make it.

  Today we did the three days sadaqah. My father brought many things for the sadaqah yesterday. We share everything this morning. Haydar's mom is also around taking care of almost everything. Our aunt is also here making sure we don't cry too much but pray for our mom. My father's eyes looked very red I've never ever seen him crying like this. I wish I could reverse everything to normal. I pray mom is in jannah now. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

  Bing Bing
My phone rang and saw Asmau's call

Me: Hello

Asmau: Hey, I heard what happened, may her soul rest in peace.

Me: Thank you Amin.

Asmau: I could not make it  I'm in Taraba now. I wish airport is open I could have fly to Abuja in no time. I know how emotional you are but you have to be strong for your mother don't cry too much pray for her anani.

Me: Yeah I know have to be strong sooner or later I'll overcome my emotions towards mom's death.

Asmau: Absolutely try your best to do that.

Me: My battery is about to die because people have been calling me for condolence.

Asmau: Ok

Me; Ok bye thank you greet everyone at home.

With that I ended the call and laid on the bed with Afree. She have been sleeping because she didn't sleep since the day our mom died until today I'm glad that she's finally sleeping. I stood up and went to the sitting room. I found my dad and aunty Mairo having a conservation. I greeted them and left outside. Aunty Mairo and her son, Faisal came to stay with us since after the incident took place.

I wonder what they were talking about. I went out and enter my car and left without knowing where I'm heading to. I didn't take my phone with me either.

Haydar's POV

I felt so sorry for Laweeza. How I wish I wipe all this numbness and sadness on face and heart. The last time I saw her was yesterday but I felt like she needed my support the more. I left her yesterday because I can't stand to see her in that condition. So I decided to text her. I waited for her reply but no reply yet. I stood up and went to the parking lot. I ignited the car and headed to their house. What happened she didn't reply my text message. I hope she didn't allow her emotions to overcome confidence.

"Assalam alaykum" I said as I entered their house.

"Inna wuni baba" I greeted her father seated in the sitting room.

"Yakake yaro na ( how are you my son)" He asked.

"Lafiyah, ya hakuri ( I'm fine)

"Alhamdulillah" He said.

"I came to see Laweeza is she in" I asked shyly.

"She just went out and she didn't tell me where she was going to, maybe you should call her and ask her" He replied.

"Ok I'll do that" I muttered.

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