Chapter One.

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It feels like it has been days. 


More like weeks.

But it has been no more than two hours. The memory floats in my mind.

Haunting me.

What did I ever do wrong?


        My mouth was wide open. What am I seeing?

Adam and Alesa kissing full on.

my heart began to ache deeply. The pain I felt was almost unbearable. I saw Alesa's eyes spot me, filled with shock. The kiss broke, and they both stood.

My friends. No wait, let me rephrase that.

My enemies stood in front of me. I felt tears slip down slowly, but then all at once.

"Juliette. Are you okay?" Alesa asked me slowly. Is she serious?!

"Yeah sure I'm fine! Wonderful! Great! Fan-freaking-tastic! Never better!" I say with a hint, no wait, a lot of sarcasm filling my voice.

"C'mon Juliette." Oh my gosh, I can't believe this.

"No you c'mon Alesa! I trusted you! I told you everything?! And here you are, throwing it all away! You knew I liked Adam so much, my heart would beat everytime someone would metion his name. How hurt I was when he was ignoring me yesterday! I was on the verge of tears. I thought it was my fault. I thought he didn't like the kiss. That he found someone better. But now, I guess this explains everything." I say. I was so happy for two days. TWO DAYS. But it was ruined. Because I was too trusting. I have been looking down at my shoes, to hide my tears. 

I look up and stare at them. Their faces were filled with shock. They probably had no clue.

"Look Juliette-" Adam says sincerely before I cut him off.

"You don't get to talk." I point my finger at him. "I loved you. So much it hurt." I barely noticed I was sobbing out these words. His eyes were filled with tears. He doesn't deserve to cry.

"I'm done with you both. Goodbye. Forever I hope." I wish them then leave. 

I run outside. Not wanting to be in the same room as them. I go to the leade of the stairs outside. The tears start coming down. My breathing becomes heavy. So heavy, I was struggeling for a breath. I find Jason running my way.

"Oh Juliette! We are going to the hotel right now." He commands me. "Don't worry. You don't have to tell me what happened right now. Only when you are ready." He grabs my shoulders and guides me  his car.

~Flashback Over

        There you have it. My once beautiful love life turned out to be dark and morbid. 

"Why can't anyone like me!" I exclaimed, bursting into a sob. I hear a door open and close. Jason fills my view. He comes running towards me.

"Juliette! Please stop crying!" Jason yells while comforting me. I start to calm down. "Take deep breaths." He instructs me. I do as I am told. Which works. My breathing becomes stable and my sobbing stops. "Can you please tell me what happened, and maybe, if I know, can help you."

So I finally give up hiding it and tell him. I watch his face go from caring to anger. His eyes flutter with fury and revenge. His fist clench up.

"That jerk! He is going to pay!" Jason yells, getting up from the bed. I can't let this happen. I grab his arm.

"Juliette, let me go. I have to teach him a lesson." I notice fire growing in his eyes.

"I can't let you." I whisper softly, tears slipping out.

"Why. Look at you. Look at what he has done to you. All the damage he has done." He says, begging for my permission. I might hate Adam, but I cannot let this ruin their friendship. 

I look up at him.

"I'm okay. I will get by." I shoot him a weak smile. My eyes start to feel heavy.

"You should get some rest. Crying as hard as you did probably made you beat." Jason smiles and kisses my head. I lay my head against the pillow and darkness overcomes me.


Hey you guys!!11!!!!! Sorry, I just love doing Bashur's intro. :D

Hope you day/nigh/evening is going phantasmagorical! ;D Those big words though! 

Guys We reached 3.3k on "Your My Hero" ! Thank you! Hope we can get the same support here!

Here is the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Can't wait to update the next chapter! Love you long time~

{Also I have NOTHING against Adesa "Adam and Alesa" Its just the story plot.} 

-stay gucci

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