Chapter 1

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The strike of the thunder wakes me up, it feels like the house is shaking. The leaves rattle outside in the howling wind. Branches screech against the big glass door of the master bedroom. The moonlight falls directly onto my face.

I shiver and pull the thick sheets up to my shoulder. Looking over at Frank, I see he is still peacefully asleep. He's completely snuggled himself up with the white duvet, almost making a cocoon.

I softly kiss his forehead and silently climb out of the cozy bed. The wooden floor creeks as I slowly slide off the bed.

The floor is cold under my feet as I tiptoe over t the bathroom which now feels far away, trying not to let it creek.

Finally reaching the bathroom, I close the door halfway and stand before the sink. I turn open the cold water tap and flick some cool water on my face, looking back up to the mirror I see my pale reflection.

Suddenly a hand touches my side. I spin around in fear.

"Jesus Christ Frank!" I breathe out, "You scared the shit out of me." I say rubbing my arm angrily and crossing them over my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He kisses my cheek and we both look into the mirror, "Everything alright? You're so jumpy." He puts his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"Yeah, uh just a bit restless. Probably just from my lack of sleep, nothing to worry about." I shrug and then turn to face Frank.

I fiddle with my wedding ring and anxiously look away. The metal is cold and easily moves around.

"You do that when you're nervous. What's wrong?" He takes my hand gently and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"I don't know how to explain it. I feel there is a bad presence lurking around for the last few weeks. Or like if something bad is going to happen. I'm worried." Frank squeezes my hand and then hugs me. 

"Don't worry," He whispers seductively, "I'll protect you."

The lightning strikes again and the moonlit room flashes with the white color. The wind howls, making the walls seem too thin.

Frank looks at me with his big brown dreamy eyes, making my cold heart flutter. He takes my hand and softly kisses it.

I jerk my hand away as I hear a shatter of glass coming from down stairs. My blood suddenly runs cold. I hold my breath and Frank also stops to look over his shoulder towards the door.

"Did you hear that?" He whispers anxiously, I nod. He turns around to face the entrance of the bedroom, "It came from down stairs."

I shiver and we slowly walk to the staircase leading to the lounge, a floor below. Frank walks in front of me telling me to stay back.

I grab a little iron dagger which I brought home from war. It was quite handy to carry around.

I shiver as we both slowly go down the stairs.

A dreadful smell of wet dog fills the living room. My gut was right.

"There's a wolf down there." I whisper and Frank nods.

The tension builds as we slowly climb down the stairs. I quickly pass Frank and show him to wait. He shakes his head but I insist.

I pull the little dagger out of my pocket and stealthily walk over until I could see the wolf.

It's a rather small one, is the first thing that comes to mind as I peak around the door.

He mutters as he digs through my desk in the room. He slams it close and then opens another drawer.

Slowly I wall closer, interested in what he's looking for. I put my hand on the wall and slide to along as I walk closer. Suddenly, a painting plumets onto the floor making me and the wolf jump.

He pulls his gun out, pointing it directly at me.

"Gerard, you smell different when you're awake," He chuckles, "This is a warning," he growls loudly and I freeze holding up my little dagger, "The war is far from over! The Vampiric doomsday will come."

He fires a few rounds at me, I instinctively jump behind the couch. Frank scurries next to me and I hear another window shatter. The wolf jumped through my window, little shit.

Frank pulls a small gun from his waistband and runs after him. I stay frozen in fear and then I just hear three more gunshots.

Shortly Frank comes in, dragging the wolf by his neck into the house. The wolf smears blood all over my white wooden floor, the smell of fresh the blood incredible. My mouth waters, I haven't had anything but deer blood in three years.

"How did you find us?" Frank growls at the wolf, pointing the gun to the wolf's head. The wolf shivers and for a second I feel sorry for him.

"That's the least of your worries, you will be destroyed by the true king of war. Your army won't make it this time." He chuckles and Frank growls loudly, cocking the gun. "Your doomsday is coming and your Frankie baby won't be the-

In a second a fourth gun shot goes off, straight into the wolf's head. The body slumps onto the floor and covers my carpet in blood.

Frank stands there still holding the gun pointed at the wolf's head. His hands tremble and then he lowers the gun.

"They've found us, I have to protect you. I have to get you to safety. You heard him, we have to inform the coven."

"Frank relax l-

"No! I can't let anything happen to you, not again. Trust me, I know them and what they're capable of."

'Your doomsday is coming" replays in the back of my head. What could the wolf have meant by that, what en when?

I see Frank's mouth moving but I don't listen. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I shudder.

"We have to go. We're in danger." Frank grabs my hand and pulls me in my pajamas towards the garage.

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