Chapter 25

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Later that evening.

I run down the stairs after all of the wolves are asleep, all the way until the last step. I pull on the heavy dungeon door, but it's locked.

Grabbing the keys out of my pocket, I hastily try unlocking the door. I turn it multiple ways until it opens up. I yank the heavy door open and enter.

It takes a few seconds before my night-vision kicks in. There's no windows, it's just plain darkness.

"Frank?" I call, standing in the open basement door.

The keys rattles in my hand, making me feel uneasy.

Finally I could see. I could see his shape.

He sits in the back of the basement, curled up on the floor in a ball, leaning against the wall.

As he sees me, he gets up and runs into my arms, crying hysterically.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here baby." I whisper softly kissing him.

He continues shaking in my arms.

Looking at him, I could see his eyes, blood red from crying.

I've never seen him close to this upset before.

I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing his heart hurting this bad.

"Did they hurt you?" I whisper and he nods, "What did they do?"

He lets go of me, lifting his shirt. I only now notice the blood on his shirt.

He has deep scratch marks from werewolf claws over his ripped shirt.

I only noticed it now.

"Are you o-

"It's not bad, I can feel it's already healing up. Don't worry about it, my angel."

"You're not okay, tell me what are you feeling." I whisper holding him against me.

"I feel, it just," he stops and looks into my eye, "Why does bad things always happen to us? Why does it always have to involve hurting you?" He starts crying again, "They always hurt you, am I doing something wrong?"

"No my baby," He cries more, "Shhh, it's okay. Just calm down sweetheart. Let me try to help that, I'll give you some of my blood." I say trying to steady him.

"No." He says and pushes my hands down.

He doesn't let me touch or look at the wounds. He just pulls himself back into my arms.

"I feel like can't calm down, everything is just falling apart, this is too much, all of this. I can't do this, it's too much. I can't protect you, not Andy." He cries hysterically in my arms.

I try comforting him, but I know he's hurting I can see it, I don't know what to do. I couldn't stop myself from crying either.

"I'm so overwhelmed with everything," he continues to cry, "Everything is just too much for me right now."

"Sweetheart, I know it's hard and tough but we're going to get out of this. We just have to stay positive. I know it seems impossible but there's a way out of this. I'll get us out of here. I promise. We'll get through this, me and you, sweetheart. It will always be me and you, okay?"

"I want us to escape, tonight." He whimpers, "We have to go. I want to get away from here, alert the troops what's going on. I just want everything to go back to the way it was, after I ripped out their fucking throats for hurting my family. I just want to be with you my angel, I never want anyone to hurt you. Never again."

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