Chapter 8

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Curiosity kills the cat.

I hesitate to knock on Andy's door. My hand is weary and shaking, I continue to hold my hand up as I want to knock. I throw my hand back to my sides and turn away.

I don't want to do this, but I have to know. I'm not doing it for myself, but for Frank. It will break his heart to pieces but... I don't even know what to think.

If Frank even catches me now, I'm already in deep waters - I'll start drowning. But what if I'm right?

He can't hurt me more than he did with his words. The words hurts more than what I'm trying to find out.

I give three hard knock on his door. I swallow and wait. There's s few seconds of silence, then I hear all of the locks unlocking.

Andy's door swings open, he doesn't have a shirt on.

"We need to talk." I blurt out, He looks over my shoulder for Frank, "Frank's not coming, he'll be here in a little while. We haven't had time to talk for a while."

"Yeah, we've been missing each other," he says uneasy and allows me in, "What's it about?"

"I want you to be hundred percent honest with me," I start off, Andy takes a seat, "Did you have any involvement with any of these events that happened? I promise I won't be mad."

Andy's eyes are surprised, shocked even. His eyes fill with tears and he puts his face into his hands.

"How did you know?" Andy wails breaking down in tears, looking away from me.

"Andy," I pause for a second to process the information in my brain, "Just tell me. Just be honest with me."

"I was forced to-

Andy's bedroom door slams open, making both of us jump from our seats.

Frank comes to his rescue. Frank glares at me as he sees Andy's tears. Andy cries onto Frank's shirt, muttering some words in between his sobs. I just hear 'I'm sorry' somewhere in the sentence.

Frank's face goes blank and then is filled with sadness as he looks at me. His expression goes over to anger.

I felt fear for the first time in my life. Not a running away fear, a fear of losing something precious. Something near to me and it's probably my throat.

Frank gets up and walks up to me, I start to back away. Andy gasps and tries to stop Frank, but Frank doesn't stop he pushes Andy off him.

Andy falls onto his knees, wailing after Frank. He sobs loudly on the floor.

Frank takes me by my hand and drags me out of the room. Andy's eyes are filled with tears and he calls after Frank.

"Stop! No Frank!" Andy cries and starts sobbing, "It's not his fault!"

Frank didn't listen, he dragged me out of the room. He lets me go and slams Andy's door closed.

"How dare you, I warned you." Frank growls at me, I slowly back away and get up.

"I'm shivering in my boots." I think sarcastically even though Frank is trying to be scary, making me smirk.

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