Chapter 19

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The television broadcast is boring, I didn't take any interest to it. I rather worry about Andy. This whole situation is messed up, I don't know what to do. I'm torn between both sides.

Frank lays with me on the couch, resting with his head on my lap. I stroke his hair and poorly attempt to braid it.

"I shouldn't have chased him away," Frank whispers, "I was just so angry, I lost total control. I love that kid with all of my heart, I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, I fucked up."

I just silently sit and continue to stroke his hair, trying not to cry. I'm so sensitive and emotional right now, the littlest thing could make me upset. This is just a cherry on the cake.

I braid his hair, then unbraid it again. Making it stand up in different ways. He looks so cute with all the braids.

"Gerard baby, talk to me," Frank says taking my hand, forcing me to pay attention to him, "I hate it when you don't talk to me. Please."

He looks up to me and our eyes meet. I couldn't look at him right now, my eyes just look over to the window.

My phone rings loudly and vibrates on the counter across the table . Frank's big eyes continue to look at me, I break my gaze and look over to my phone.

I slide out from under him, and take the phone out of my charger port. Frank turns around on the couch, facing me.

"Gerard." He calls, but I look at the caller ID instead.

It's Andy's number.

I hesitate to answer as I look at Frank again, but I pick it up anyway. I put the phone up to my ear and listen.

"Hello?" My voice is hoarse from not talking for hours.

"Please help me, my car didn't want to stop, it rolled. I'm stuck and I need you, I'm sorry about everything I, I'm scared and-

"Andy, where are you?" I say my voice trembling, my hand holds the phone even closer to my ear.

"I don't know, please help me. I only woke up now, I'm scared. There's blood, lots of blood. Please help me."

"I'm coming. Just hold on for me okay?" I wait for Andy to reply, "Andy?"

The line disconnects and rings in my ear. I call him again and again, but it just rings. Frank is suddenly next to me.

"What's going on?" He asks, worry in his voice.

I break my silence towards Frank, even though I don't think he deserves it yet. I'm still upset with him, but its not right to keep him in the dark about someone that is as important to him as to me.

"Andy was in a car accident, he," I cry, "We were still talking and then it disconnected, signal is messed up from the storm. We need to find him."

"Oh my god." Frank breaths out and he puts his face in his hands, "It's all my fault."

"That doesn't matter now, he needs us. He needs you. I'll meet you in the car, I'll get Paul."

Frank nods and hurries over to the garage to get the car ready. I can hear the garage door open as I run up the stairs to Paul's room, but he isn't there. I forgot he went out to get the monthly supply of blood.

"Shit!" I curse loudly, I fumbling to pick up my phone and dial his phone number.

It rings for a long time but then finally answer.

"Yello, everything alright?" Paul says calmly over the phone,

"No, something bad happened. Andy was in a car accident somewhere on the road away from the mansion, I don't know where he is. I just need your help please." I cry to Paul over the phone.

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