Chapter 16

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Three weeks later

"Let me do it myself," Frank growls pushing me off of him, trying to him pull himself up, "I'm not useless."

"I'm not saying you're useless sweetheart." I say.

I take him under his arms and pull him up. He unhappily looks at me. Looking down at him, I see his white bandage sticking out.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself, you need to rest. Paul said you must try to dial down activity." I say, kissing his forehead.

"Well Paul can go-


"I can do it myself."

"If you can do one thing without almost crying from the pain, I'll let you do it," He stays quiet, "Well, until then I'm going to take care of you and I will forever if I have to."

I smile but Frank mutters something and crosses his arms.

"Frank." I say, crossing my arms.

"Fine." He sighs loudly and takes my hand.

"Why do you have to be so difficult? It's your first night back here with me in two weeks and five days." I chuckle, but Frank doesn't laugh, "It's not going to be forever, just for a week or two. Enjoy the royal treatment while you can."

I counted the days.

Nineteen days.

Nineteen lonely days and a little more than seven hours to be exact.

That's how long I had to be alone, without him. The loneliness moment in someone's life is when they're watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is watch.

I was lonely. And I was lonely in some horribly deep way and for a flash of an instant, I can see just how lonely, and how deep this feeling runs. And it scares the shit out of me to be this lonely because it seems catastrophic.

I was scared of losing him. I couldn't lose him like I've lost everyone else in my life. I wouldn't survive.

"Or don't you want to be here with me?" I say sadly, knowing I'm pushing his buttons.

"I never said that. Of course I want to be here with you, my angel. I love you and I always want to be with you. You know that." He kisses my hand.

"Let me do my part and help you. I want to help you, just let me, please?" I whisper.

Frank sits back down on the bed, he lays back on the stash of fluffy white pillows. He groans softly as he tries to lay back. I add more pillows for him and he lays down. I cover his legs with a thin blanket.

"I love you." He whispers, making my heart tick, "Thank you for always taking care of me."

"I'll do anything for you." I say walking around to the other side of the bed.

I slowly get on, trying not to shake the bed. Frank looks over to me holding his hand out. I take it and lay down next to him.

He smells like the early morning, fresh and clean.

I lay a bit away from him. Frank puts his one hand on my waist and pulls me closer. His dark brown eyes are dreamy, I can look into them for days without end.

"You're going to hurt yourself." I softly chuckle while putting my hand on his hand as an attempt to stop him; but he just intertwines our fingers, making my heart melt.

"I'll rather be hurt than away from you. I love you my angel." He yanks me closer and softly groans.

I smirk and Frank kisses me.

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