Chapter 6

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"What the hell is that?" Frank says jabbing me in my side, I open my eyes and turn up to look at where he is pointing. I hear a soft sound of a nail ticking on Metal.

A dark figure stands in the corner of the room. Tall and slim. I can only see his dark silhouette with the moonlight. It has long sharp claws which tap on the window's metal railing. I can smell it, a dark and distant smell.

I slowly reach over for the light and continue to watch the dark being in the corner. Frank pulls the sheets up to under his chin and anxiously watched the intruder. My hand is shaky as I slowly reach over for my bed lamp's plastic switch.

As I put my hand on the switch the thing screeches loudly, charging straight at us. I close my eyes in fear and turn the light on. Frank hides his head under the sheets.

The lights goes on, exposing the monster. I expect the worst, but nothing happens. I slowly open my eyes and see our room is empty. Frank stares over the blanket to the empty room.

"What the hell?" I mutter and get up.

I search around the entire room, but there's no sign of our intruder. There's no trace of it. Like mist in front of the sun, gone.

Why was I so scared? I've been through worse and I was too scared to react, makes no sense.

"What was that thing? I'm not going crazy am I?" Frank exclaims and tightly clasps onto my arm.

"No, I saw it too."

Frank's eyes are wide and we stare at each other for a second. As if our minds were in sync.

"Andy." We say in combine.

I jump up to put on pants and start running towards Andy's room. We rush down the hallway to his room. I pull the doorknob but it's locked.

Why is it locked?

"ANDY!" We call knocking on the door.

Andy opens the door. He looks really bad, he's paler than usual and he is shivering. His hands are fidgety.

"He's okay." I mouth and Frank sighs in relief.

Andy looks frightened and near tears. I walk nearer to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He immediately embraces me, hiding his head into my chest. He sobs softly, I squeeze him gently and rub his head. He takes deep breaths to try and steady himself, but he just starts crying again.

Frank looks at me and then at Andy. He touches Andy's shoulder, Andy to turns his head to him, still in my arms.

"Oh what's wrong?" Frank says gently putting his hand on Andy's back.

"I had a bad dream," his voice cracks, "It was about my parents. They-

He trails off and continues to sob in my chest.

"Never mind, it was just a stupid dream." He whimpers.

Frank looks at me in pity of Andy. I kiss his head and hold him even closer. I can feel him shaking in my arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Andy looks up at me and slowly nods his head.

"It's hard to..." He stops himself, "My parents they-they beat me and hurt me. It's just like it was when I was home. I don't ever want to go back there. They force me to hurt people I love and do bad things and if I didn't do it they...."

Andy cries again.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." He says wiping away his tears.

"It's okay," Frank says, "You never have to be scared again. I will protect you from those horrible things. I promise."

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