Chapter 29

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A week passes.

"Do you think all of my piercings and tattoos are ever going to be a bad influence on Lenska?" Frank says while drinking his coffee at the dining table.

I hold Lenska, feeding her with her bottle of milk. I didn't take my eyes off of her, just in case that she chokes.

"Sweetheart, all those things don't define you. It doesn't matter, I love them and you look beautiful. The tattoos are beautiful art on your body, all of them have their own story. I won't change one of them." I say smiling, holding the bottle with the one hand and balancing Lenska with my other arm.

"My favorite one is your name across my wrist. I love you. You're my one and only."

I smile looking down at Lenska, she finished her bottle. I rest her on my shoulder and softly rub her back.

He always knows how to make my heart melt.

"I love you too sweetheart." I whisper and look at Frank.

I kiss Lenska's head and let her rest comfortably on my shoulder. She's so light.

Frank stands up and puts his hands on my shoulders as I'm sitting down. He kisses my head and massages my shoulders.

"Can I at least hold my princess?" Frank whispers and kisses my neck.

"Of course." I whisper and he kisses my cheek.

He takes her out of my hands and holds her close to him, resting on his chest. He softly rocks her.

"You're going to grow up to be a beautiful girl, you'll always be my princess. I love you Princess." He continues to whisper to her and she coos loudly. Frank laughs and squeezes her.

He rests his forehead on hers and she starts pulling his hair. She yanks on his hair and he just squeezes his eyes closed.

Seeing them together is beautiful.

"Ow, that hurts. No, ow! Baby, help me. I'm under attack." He says looking at me in pain.

"I'll protect you from the cuteness attach." I say, taking Lenska's hand off of his hair.

I laugh softly and Frank holds her closely. He takes her little hand and gently kisses it.

"I love you both so much," He whispers and kisses my hand on his shoulder, "It's almost time for her midday nap, I'll put her down. I think it will be good before Mikey and the others come over. Where's her pacifier?" Frank says and rocks her in his arms.

"It's on the counter by the keys sweetheart." I say and Frank quickly picks it up, sticking the bright pink pacifier in Lenska's mouth.

"Mikey's coming over?" Andy says excitedly from the other room. His head suddenly peaks around the kitchen door.

"Yeah Mikey, Kyle, Allison and Vladimir. I thought it would be good to invite them over, we haven't been out for a while and it would be nice to have some company and tell them about our newest addition to the family." Frank says and wraps Lenska in her unicorn blanket.

He wraps her tight and then cradles her in his arms.

"I've already got the blood supply for tonight, so that's not a problem. Choice between A+ and O negative." I say and open the fridge to check if it's still there.

"I dibs the O negative." Andy says and sits down at the table.

"Where's the O negative?" I say, glaring at Andy.

"I told you I dibs it, I dibs it last night." Andy says shyly.

"Really?" I sigh loudly and close the fridge door.

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