Chapter 23

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"Fucking hell!" I scream as the woman stabs a knife through my single restrained hand.

I yank the knife out and throw it to the other side of the room, into the wooden walls. I watch my blood gushing out of the hole in my hand.

"Interesting, quick pain reflex." she mutters and writes something down on her clipboard.

"What is interesting? Didn't you think it would hurt if you stab me with a knife?"

"You don't turn like the others, it's fascinating." She whispers and walks away to retrieve the knife out of the wall

"Turn? What do you mean?"

"You've never turned full-vampire before? That's strange," She writes more things on the paper with her black ballpoint pen, "Iero and the others turned quite quickly after experiencing the same pain as you. Iero is quite a sight to behold."

"I didn't know there's a full-on vampire mode." I whisper softly as the wound starts stinging.

"When you turn full, you're almost invincible and don't feel pain. You'll heal quicker, but as soon as you turn back you'll experience all of the pain."

"How couldn't I have known there's more to being a vampire."

Suddenly my mind stop to gather my thoughts.

Frank? Andy, or even Paul? They know about this turn?

"It's usually triggered by fear or pain. That's why I'm surprised you didn't respond in that same manor. Well, looks like our task here is to trigger your first change. I'll do anything to make that happen."

"My first change?"

"It's one of the most painful experiences in your entire lifetime but I'm sure you're more than strong enough to handle it."

"I don't want to turn into a monster." I growl at her.

"Well, I'm going to force you to. One way or another."

She walks over strapping my other hand down and then applies a restraint around my neck and ankles. As she finishes she walks back out the room, locking the door and then into the research room with a glass window.

She pushes a button and a skull crushing high frequency plays loudly through the speakers around me. It feels like a hammer hitting me on the back of my head.

"Stop! Please!" I cry and try protecting my ears with my shoulders.

She turns the sound off, it still plays loudly in my head.

"Even in human form you can still hear those frequencies. Amazing. You and I, Gerard, are going to make brand new discoveries. But for now, we're focusing on your first change."

"Doctor Palmer." An unfamiliar voice calls from behind, "don't give him a hard time."

His scent is also unfamiliar.

She turns around and greets him by shaking his hand.

"How's our boy doing?" He kneels down next to me, looking at my bleeding hand.

His stormy eyes look me up and down. His blond hair is slicked back and put in a man bun.

"He's quite remarkable. Have you ever heard of a vampire that has never changed?"

He touches my cheek, I try moving away.

"That is quite remarkable."

"I'm just trying to trigger it, Doctor Mason."

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