Chapter 12

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Have you ever missed someone that you physically get sick?

When I'm with him hours feel like seconds, but when we part, a day feels like years. It's been less than 24 hours, but it feels like eternity.

The mansion's roof is cold. The wind howls wildly and all the trees rattle. It softly drizzles, messing up my hair.

I hold Frank's ring between my fingers and cigarette in the other. The cold silver ring looks lonely without its owner, just like me. I miss the small hand it belongs to.

I kill my cigarette on the roof. I haven't smoked in a long time.

I sigh and hug my knees, looking over the grounds. The smell of the fresh air, clears my head. Temporarily...

I pull another cigarette out of my pocket and attempt to light it in the rain.

I look over as I hear footsteps on the creaking tiles. It's Andy. His black jeans and leather jacket is covered in small droplets of rain. I immediately kill the cigarette on the tiles, next to my other used one.

"Hey." Andy says, sitting down next to me. I look over to him and he faces forward.

"Hey." I reply back, sitting up straight.

"I'm sorry about Frank. I know you miss him."

"You have no idea," I say and blink away my tears, "It feels like a part of me is missing like the daylight has been masked by darkness. I feel empty."

"We'll find him," Andy says, squeezing my hand, "He'll come back for you. He always has and he will."

"I know...I just wish I knew if he is okay," I sigh and look away from him.

"Like you told me, he's strong. He'll pull through."

"I'm such a weak link. Clares is right, I'm not strong enough to rule an army, they probably honk I have abandonment issues." I rub my eyes and crosses my legs over the grey roof-tiles.

"Don't beat yourself up. You're going to be great."

"If he's not here, what's the point. If he doesn't come back, what's the point of my existence." I whimper.

Andy stays silent and sits next to me, letting me lay my head on his shoulder. He rests his head on mine and puts his arm around my shoulder. Warm tears run down my cheek.

I wipe them off with my sleeve and Andy takes my hand. I look up at him. The rain intensifies, making loudly plonking noises on the roof.

"Don't hide your feelings Gerard. I want to know how you're doing," Andy whispers.

"I'm just worried that..." I start sobbing loudly into my palms.

Andy frowns and holds me tightly, letting me cry into his chest.

"He'll be fine, I promise." Andy strokes my head. His voice quivers too.

I'm normally with Frank when I'm upset, but now I'm alone. I don't like being alone. My very breath is just by his smile. My existence is fueled by his happiness.

"When did you become this smart." I laugh softly, looking over at the wet road.

"I have great teachers." He smiles and softly takes my hand. I smile back at him, "We'll find him."

He puts his hands on my shoulder and softly rubs it. I look out at the gate, hoping he would be there.

"Let's get you inside and dried up. You'll feel better." Andy says and gets up.

I nod and also get up. I climb back into my bedroom window and then I help Andy inside. I leave wet track on my wooden floor.

Andy wipes the wet hair out of his face and slicks it back.

"I'm running you a bath. You need to relax."

"Andy, you don't have to take care of me. I have to take care of you." I say stopping him.

"You don't always have to pretend you're okay. Sometimes you also need to be taken care of, not taking care of others all the time."

"Andy, I-

"You've been there for me when no one else was. You took me in and took care of me. Even though I betrayed you, you trusted me again, believing in me. I thank you for that. I really do."

I stay silent and nod. Andy walks into the bathroom, letting the tap run. I sigh and plonk down on my bed.

"Forever and always Gerard," Frank says holding my hand, "I'll love you forever. Forever..."

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