Chapter 39

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"See? The scent just disappears, it stops here." The man says, pointing down at the ground from inside the car.

It's just dust.

"We're missing something." I say, agitated.

"Of course we are! Otherwise-

I glare at him and he stops talking.

I climb out of the vehicle and close the door.

"No. There has to be something we're missing. They can't just dissolve into thin air." I sigh and look around me for the hundredth time.

The others follow me.

We walk into the forest and scout for a little while, but there's nothing.


Absolutely nothing.

"We've been searching for hours. Let's try again tomorrow, it's almost dusk. We don't want to run into anything."

I look into the sunset.

The sun is already low in between the trees, we should get going.

We wouldn't want any surprises this far away from the coven, but I couldn't help myself wanting to search for them.

I miss them so much.

"Just five more minutes?" I plead, "or come get me in an hour?"

"We're going now. Come on, we can continue searching tomorrow. We've been out since this morning."


"No buts, get in the car now."

I sign and does as he commands.

"Don't look so down," the one guy from the back says, "We'll find em, don't you worry."

I just sit in silence.

I hope we find them, that's all I want.


"Did you find anything?" Andy asks as soon as I walk in the room.

He is holding Lenska with his good arm. She sits happily on her brother's lap.

They're so cute together.

I sigh and sit down on the bed next to him, "No. The scent just disappears. I'm sorry, sweet," I take Lenska from Andy, "Hello Bing, did you miss me?"

She smiles as I pick her up. I cradle her in my arms and let her rest her head on my shoulder.

She makes her baby sounds which makes all of us smile. At lease she's alright.

"I know you're trying your best, I'll come help look for them. You've been away since dawn. You need some rest too."

"It's so frustrating, I know they're out there, scared and alone. I just wish there was something I could do. I'm so worrie-

"You're trying your best. You'll find them, I know you will."

"I love you both," I say and kiss Lenska's head, "It's late, bedtime for both of you."

Andy rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"I'm basically an adult, you don't need to baby me anymore."

"But I'm taking care of you, come on, you need your rest. I'll put her down and then come back, okay?"

"Her crib is just on the other side of the room, I think I'll be okay to manage without you for ten minutes." He smirks and climbs under the sheets.

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