Chapter 18

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I sit on the couch under a blanket with Frank. On the television there's some kind of Sci-Fi movie, I'm not really watching.

The weather outside is storming and strong winds almost ripping the doors off it's hinges. All of the windows are soaked in all of the rain, making it impossible to see outside.

Frank tried multiple times to start a conversation but it just went silent again. I don't know what to say to him, I feel embarrassed after my emotional meltdown.

I feel bad that I did that to Frank. I know he always worries about me, just because he cares. I couldn't ask for anyone better than him.

He takes care of me when I need it, even though I'm not someone who likes being taken care of. It makes me feel weak, but with him I couldn't care if he would carry me around wrapped in a blanket.

Frank puts his cold feet under my shirt. I pull my stomach in and push them away. Frank laughs and looks at me in amusement.

"Jeez that's cold." I mutter and reach for another blanket on the couch.

I softly wrap the blanket around his little feet to warm them up. I put my hand on them and pat them. Frank pulls his legs back and sits crosslegged, scooting closer to me.

He puts his head on my shoulder and lays next to me. I could feel his cold breath on my neck.

"What are you thinking about?" Frank kisses my neck, making goosebumps everywhere on my body.

"You." I say sultry and flutter my eyelashes.

"No really." He puts his hand on my chin, making me look directly into his warm brown eyes, "You're here but your mind is not. What are you thinking about?"

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I've been doing it quite frequently. I really didn't want to upset you o-

"I couldn't care less of what people think, all I want to know is if my sweetheart is okay, okay? I love you and that's all that matters." He kisses my cheek and rests his head on my shoulder, "You can embarrass me all you want."

My smile comes back and I kiss his forehead.

"There's that beautiful smile of yours." He strokes my cheek and I blush.

"I'm happy when I'm with you. I love you Frankie." I whisper, stroking his hair in the opposite direction it stands up normally.

"I would give anything to make you happy, you're the love of my life." Frank whispers and softly kisses my cheek.

We both lay back on the couch and watch the terrible movie together. Frank's fingers are intertwined with mine, making my heart bounce up and down with joy.

Soon Frank falls asleep on my chest. I guess it's all of the medication that makes him sleepy and he hasn't been out in a long time with an injury like that. His breaths are short and light, soothing me. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep.

I look over on the watch on the wall. Andy should be back soon.


I managed to sneak out from under Frank and made myself a big mug of coffee. I take big sips and watch Frank as he sleeps. He softly snores with his face buried in a pillow.

He's quite a heavy sleeper, I bet if someone broke in and stole the couch he was sleeping on, he would be asleep the whole ride.

My phone pings and I hastily pick it up. Nothing from Andy yet. He took his own car to the mall, but hadn't come back yet.

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