Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you want to do this? There's no going back, maybe just think abou-

"No I'm sure," Andy interrupts me and looks over to Frank. Frank looks worried, "I'll be okay, don't worry."

"It's not that." Frank says, "there's no going back. Promise me, you really thought this through."

"I'm sure. I really am. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Trust me."

Andy nods at Allison kneeling down beside him and she quickly straps a band tightly around his arm, waiting for a vein to pop up. She ties his restraints tightly onto the chair and then his hands.

Frank holds my arm and I sigh. Andy looks away from us, out to the window. Allison makes eye contact with him and he nods. She injects the my venom filled syringe into his vein, making the venom enter his mortal blood stream.

I couldn't help thinking about what Mikey said, he seems to know something or he's just teasing me again. I'm not going to think about it any further.

Andy tenses for a second but then lays back into the chair. A light sweat surfaces on his forehead and he fiddled around.

He frowns and groans, "It burns."

He looks down at his arm and clenches his fists, tapping his boot on the floor. Frank looks at me and I hold his hand.

"Only for a little bit," Allison says, sitting next to him, "you'll become sleepy. When you do, just lay back and relax. The process will then start itself."

Andy relaxes in his chair while Frank and I wait in anticipation. Andy looks at us for one last time and then closes his eyes.

"I'll need you guys to wait outside for me a bit." Allison says and unlocks the door for us.

We both nod and leave the medical bay.


"I'm really worried about him Gerard," Frank says pacing around the waiting room, "Hasn't he been asleep for a long time, does it normally take that long? Or-

"Frank, calm down. I'm just as worried as you are or maybe even more," I snap at him and I take a long deep breath, "Allison knows what she's doing, she's been doing it for centuries. It won't help if you freak yourself out."

Frank plonks down on the couch next to me. He crosses his arms and rests his head on my shoulder. I put my hand on his thigh and then squeeze it. He looks down to his shoes and he intertwines his fingers with mine.

"I always thought parents were nuts for worrying so much about their children, but now I understand. I just, I don't know." Frank says putting his face in his palms, rubbing his eyes, "he's not even our kid, but it feels like he is."

"Well, I can't agree more. Like he's all I worry about. It's probably a maker and prodigy thing but I feel a different bond with him that I've never had before. I really have an urge to protect him like he is my child. I want him to know that we love him and will take care of him, and that he doesn't have to worry about not having a home."

"Gerard, I thought about the other night when you told me about having kids." Frank says and takes my hand, I shyly look away.

"Forget I ever said anything, you were right. No isn't the time and I was stupid for bringing it up." I chip in and shakes my head.

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