Chapter 27

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A year passed

We've fixed up our home and moved back into our little cabin in the woods. Andy's living permanently with us now, I don't mind, neither of us do, I love having him around and he loves being with us.

It's quite late but it's the only time they could fit in an appointment to see us this week.

"Looks like all of you're paperwork is in order," the lady at the adoption center says, reading the last few words on our application, "The home check was successful. There's a bit of a long waiting list but as soon as we get a baby that needs a new loving home, we'll give you a call. Thank you."

The lady puts our application on top of all of her many other files. Frank softly squeezes my hand and smiles at me.

"Thank you." Frank says kindly.

The lady gives us some brochures and other papers which we apparently have to read. Everything from infants to teenagers. I just stuff all of the papers in my jacket pockets.

"Read all of these. Just to give you some info on everything. The process of the adoption and everything."

"Thank you." I say, swallowing hard as I pretend to read one.

I'm too excited to care about silly brochures.

She shows us out and we leave the adoption center, heading back towards the car. Andy sits in the back, playing on his phone with his earphones in.

"We're actually doing this?" I say and I take Frank's hand.

"Yeah, we are." He says and kisses me, then unlocks the car doors and holds my door open for me.

I quickly thank him with a butterfly kiss on his cheek. I get in and he softly closes the door for me.

He sits down in the drivers seat.

He pulls out of the parking and slowly drives onto the highway toward the cabin. I could see he couldn't stop smiling either.

"So...where's the baby?" Andy asks innocently over my shoulder.

"It doesn't work like a puppy shelter, you don't just pick one and leave. It takes time until a baby comes along because his mommy can't take care of him or her. We will have to wait if we're lucky a few weeks or even months or maybe even a year." Frank says and looks at Andy in the mirror.

"I'm really excited about the baby. I just wish it would happen already. I've never had a brother or sister before." Andy says while sighing, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We're all excited and can't wait, but it's going to take time sweetheart. Just be patient." I say sadly and look to the outside of the car. I can't wait either.

It's wet and foggy outside.

"What are you guys going to do for the baby's room?" Andy asks and leans closer to us.

"Well, there's bad weather coming in this week, so maybe we can start painting tomorrow. I've already bought some paint a few weeks ago. I guess we could start so long." Frank says and continues smiling, I could see the glow in his cheeks.

"That would be fun. I haven't painted in years."

"You boys can help me paint." I add and happily look out of the window.

I feel as if everything is perfect, the way it should be.


"Okay, hold your brush steady, like this." I show Andy how to paint the paint on the wall, brushing softly it up and down.

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