Chapter 24

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A day later

"Luckily it wasn't too deep, but if it was any deeper it would've killed you in seconds." Paul says as he refills my drip with fresh vampire blood.

"Where's Frank?" I whisper hoarsely.

My throat burns.

"Try not to speak too much, you need to recover, there's a bit of infection in there. Looks like Frank's nails has some kind of poison. He's been waiting outside for hours. Should I call him in?"

"In a minute, but how is Andy?"

"He's healed up quite well. I'm keeping him here to protect them from testing any further. It really stresses him out, he has some anxiety issues and really struggles to sleep at night, but over all he just wants someone to be with him. I don't blame him, he's been through a lot of stuff. He's basically hanging around with me all the time. He's really grown on me. You did a good job with him, good kid."

"Thank you." I say and Paul pats my shoulder.

I miss my sweet, my sweet Andy.

"I want you to know, I think you're the bravest person I know. You've dealt with so much baggage, you're truly inspirational and I've been around quite a few centuries. I look up to you and I just wanted you to know that," he looks at the door, "Can I let Frank in, he's already heard your voice."

I feel like he's saying goodbye.

I look over to the closed door. There's a small window slot, I see Frank peaking through there.

I nod and Paul finishes up on the drip. He opens the door and leads Frank in.

Frank keeps his head low and crosses his arms over his chest. He comes to sit next to me on the bed and takes my hand.

"I'm so-

I put my finger on his lips, stopping him from apologizing for the thousandth time. I just pet his head and he softly starts sobbing.

"Frankie, don't cry." I whisper, so soft that my vocal chords almost don't move.

"If I controlled myself better..What if I killed you? Wha..." he trails off and bawls uncontrollably on my hand.

Paul puts his hand on Frank's shoulder and softly squeezes it.

"Frank, he's alive. It could've been so much worse but it's not. Just be happy he's still with us. I'll give you two some room." He says kindly and pats Frank.

Frank rests his head on my hand and squeezes it tightly. He continues to sob.

"Hey, hey, look at me, sweetheart, look at me," I say, making Frank look up at me, "I'm still here and I'm going to be for a very, very long time. It's going to take much more than that to separate us. I have so much to live for. I love you."

"I'll love you to the end of time." He kisses me softly and then my hand, "If Paul wasn't there to help, wouldn't you have turned?"

"I don't know, but I was counting on Mason stepping in. I'm his most valuable asset at this point. He wouldn't let me die or all of his research goes down the drain."

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