Chapter 3

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A week passes

Frank slams the bedroom door close and face-plants himself onto the bed, shaking the book out of my hand. I look irritatedly at him and he sighs loudly, making sure I understand his frustration.

"His moods doesn't just swing - they bounce, pivot, recoil and they do fucking gymnastics." Frank says breathing out, laying on the bed next to me.

I chuckle and Frank rolls onto his back.

The bed isn't as comfortable as the one at home. It's too dangerous to go back, they've sent out a team to investigate. I miss the sound of the empty woods with moonlight on my face.

The freedom.

"Teenagers for you. He even got pissed at me for calling him a kid." I laugh and Frank snorts.

He slowly snuggles onto my chest and rests his head on my chest, knocking my book off the bed with his hand. I sigh and I run my hands through his hair.

"We've only been taking care of him for a few days and I can tell you now all I think about is when I'm going to lie down again. I bet that's what's it like being a parent."

I laugh at Frank and he cuddles me, "I like being with you. You make me happy. Sweetheart, why is your laugh so fucking adorable."

"Oh fuck you," I laugh and Frank kisses my cheek, "I love you Frankie."

"I love you Dad." He laughs loudly and I push him off.

"Okay you just ruined the mood. Go to sleep or something." We laugh and he tucks himself in tightly next to me, quickly falling asleep on my shoulder. I twirl his short dark hair with my fingers.


I look up from my book as I hear footsteps coming to my door.

I jump up quickly and I open it. I see Andy dressed in black, his dark hair is gelled back and I only notice now he has a thin gold nose ring. He's surprised that I open the door before he even knocked. He puts his hands to his sides and looks down uneasy.

"I," He stops and rolls his eyes, crossing his thin arms, "I don't know even how to say this. But I'm sorry I was rude to Frank. He's your husband right?"

"We've been married for more than four years now." I say, I can feel myself smiling.

I look over to Frank that's asleep on the bed. He's covered himself in the white thick duvet and looks like a big marshmallow.  He's cute when he's asleep.

"I'm sorry if I've offended him or you. I am a bit all of over place right now with my feelings. I'm sorry I'm so..complicated." He whispers and I smile, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong? What's wrong?"

He starts sobbing softly, I feel bad for the kid. I pull him closer and hug him tightly. He digs his head into my shoulder, I softly rub his back trying to comfort him.

"Hey buddy. It's okay, it's hard for you. It's better to talk about these things." I whisper and he shakes his head, "We're here for you. Well, we're basically your vampire parents." Andy holds tightly onto my shirt.

"I like you and Frank more than my real parents," he lets go and wipes his tears away, "I'm sorry I'm weak. Guys don't cry, vampires don't either."

"God, then you haven't met Frank yet." We both laugh and Andy smiles wiping away his tears, "It's totally normal...shit," I curse, "I forgot humans need to eat everyday. Are you hungry or thirsty or do you want anything. I'm sorry this only occurred to me now. You must be, Im so sor-

They thirst: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now