Chapter 21

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Later that night.

"Please, I can't," I cry, pushing Drake off me, "Get off me. I don't want this, pleas-

He slaps me, I can taste the blood in my mouth. He puts his hands around my throat, throttling me against the wall.

He slams my left hand harshly into the wall, I hear a soft crack. I cry of the pain as Drake puts more weight on it.

"I don't do what you say, you do what I say. I'll use you as I please." Drake growls, pushing me even harder against the wall, "I want you to extract your fangs. I like it."

He tightens his grip around my neck, I extract my fangs. He releases the pressure and touches them with his index finger.

"Please stop, you're hurting me." I whimper, pushing him as hard as I can, but werewolves are stronger than vampires, "Let me go!"

Drake rips my shirt open making sure I understand he means business. Exposing my chest, I shake in terror. Tears running down my face already.

"Frank," I wail under my breath, hoping he would show up out of no where and save me, "Help me."

"He can't help you now." The wolf licks my face, I try breaking free but more tears run down my face.

"Please, let me go.."

Suddenly I remember the knife I stole from Paul in my back pocket.

Drake harshly rips off my shirt, forcing my arms against the wall. He forces his big sweaty body on me.

I try get out of his grip.

I manage to get my one hand free and reach for Paul's sharp knife. My fingers tightly wrap around the blade. My hand's pain is suddenly gone.

It happened so fast.

Drake holds his slit throat with both his hands, gurgling with blood. He sinks to his knees and continues to gulp for air.

I just watch him, holding the bloody blade in my hand. I bend down over him, stabbing him multiple times with tears in my eyes.

What have I done?

In horror, I drop the bloody blade on the floor, it clutters loudly. My hands soaked in his blood.

As he lays down on the floor, a huge puddle of blood forms around him. He coughs up blood and then lays completely still, lifeless on the cold wooden floor.

I kneel down on the floor, holding my legs while crying hysterically, rocking back and forth, terrified of what is going to happen next.

What am I doing?

There's a loud knock on the door. I jump back up onto my feet.

"Iero is here to see you." Someone calls from outside and the door opens.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, trying my best not to panic.

I hastily grab a big dark blanket off the bed and cover the body in it. The random huge lump under the carpet is still very easy to see.

The wolf comes in, pushing Frank inside. Frank stumbles forward and angrily glares at the wolf. The wolf shrugs and closes the door as he leaves.

I get up and run into Frank's arms.

"What did you do?" Frank puts his hands around me as I sob on his shoulder, "I could smell it from down the hall." Frank says, staring at the lump under the blanket.

They thirst: RevengeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora