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Mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns and mermaids are some things that have been debated about whether they do live or not.

Today we're going to talk about one of those mythical creatures, the dragon.

If you search up dragons on YouTube you may find a few videos of dragons flying that could easily be debunked but there are some videos that do make you wonder whether or not these flying creatures are real.

In this chapter we aren't going to look at any photos of dragons or videos of them flying around but rather a video of what they have been thought to sound like.

In Solvakia in 2016 people heard a very weird noise coming from above, the sky. So they got their cameras out and recorded. While there are visible dragons the sounds are so similar to what we hear in movies and tv shows.



This isn't the first time the people in Solvakia have heard something like this. In 2012 a man caught a similar sound on his camera with people fleeing in terror as they didn't know what it was. Still to this day people aren't sure what the noises were.


Do you think dragons are real?

If so, do you think they were the ones making the noises in the videos?

If not, what do you think they are?

Should I do more things on dragons?

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