WWIII + Time Travel

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This is not an in depth theory about Time Travelers. That will be for another chapter. However, there are a few men who allegedly are time travelers and told us about WWIII. So that's what we are going to look at today.

And big thanks goes to -Ms_EC3- who told me about this and provided the links!


A masked man, who introduced himself as Alexander Smith, claims to have been involved in classified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) experiments in the 1980s.

The supposed time traveller appeared on the popular YouTube conspiracy channel ApexTV, where he "emerged with new details" of what will happen in the future.

Speaking behind the cover of a human-shaped latex mask, Mr Smith claimed he was sent to the year 2118 by the CIA in 1981.

He said: "The world as we know it will change a lot and I feel it being beneficial to humanity to know not only about this change but also about the secret technologies being withheld from the public.

"After my original video and after the second interview I did, in which I showed the photograph taken in the year 2118, I have decided it is time to share every detail of my experience.

"I believe the people deserve to know. I believe that you, whoever is out there watching this, I believe that you deserve to know the truth because I feel it would be beneficial to the human race about what is happening behind closed doors."

According to the self-professed time-traveller the world is headed towards a third global war in the next 100 years.

Mr Smith claimed in the future most of humanity will be confined to towering cities filled with bizarre technology, artificial intelligence robots, aliens and flying cars.

This is because he was told the world was struck by a "conflict of interests" between the United States and North Korea sometime in the near future.

He said: "The conflict started off small, however, it soon spread and Russia soon took the side of North Korea.

"Tensions began to escalate and eventually missiles were fired.

"I can't say where these missiles hit, however, I can say the effects were not what one may consider desirable.

"However, as a result of this conflict, the world began to become one.

"Borders began to become meaningless and the people began to have a love and appreciation for life - one which would inspire them not to inflict any type of harm upon their neighbour.

"As a result of that, of the conflict, which some might describe as a Third World War, the world became a better place."


Michael Phillips, who was introduced at the start of the 13-minute long video despite concealing his face, claims Kim Jong un declared war on the US, who wiped him and most of his army out when they fired a shot back.

Mr Phillips, who speaks with an obscured English accent, said the UK was dragged into the war and that Russia and China forgot against the British army.

He said the three-year conflict followed "a limited exchange" between the US and North Korea in March 2019.

He said: "All in all it was a very fast and brutal war and countless millions were killed."

He also said nuclear weapons were used the war.

Mr Phillips also claims a huge natural disaster will wipe out LA, California.

He said the city will be hit by a monster 10.2 magnitude earthquake dubbed 'The Big One' by national press and that as a result, California fell 10ft below sea levels that rose making it inhabitable.

He also said US President Donald Trump was impeached after two terms and that an expected candidate made an attempt to swoop in as leader.

Mr Phillips said: "Then you had Oprah Winfrey, believe it or not, to try to run for presidency.

"She was not successful and there was actually a man called Michael Macintosh who actually succeeded."

He said Mr Macintosh took over from Mr Trump as president in the mid 2020s.

Mr Phillips continued on the theme of the 2020s and said the decade will bring a successful mission to Mars, though according to the so-called time traveller Nasa will not be responsible.

He said: "We did land on Mars, we had the first man on Mars, which was good.

"It wasn't by Nasa at all, it was by Space X, Elon Musk."

He added: "They sent a number of missions up there in the early 2020s to prepare for the manned mission to Mars."

Mr Phillips said he stepped into a sphere that was hidden in a secret bunker after serving in the army.

He said the sphere was a time machine that used gravimetric distortion to tear hole in time space.


There are also videos and sources claiming that if WWIII were to indeed happen, America will save the rich people while leaving all the poorer people to die. They say there will be, or already is, a special bunker for this very cause. All rich, or at the very least all people who are deemed "good for society", will be locked away in this bunker while poverty stricken families will be drafted for war or be left to fend for themselves.

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