Author's Note

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Hey guys! I just want to remind you that this will be my first story so please bare with some of the errors in it. This story also contained some curse words so please take it easy on me. Also each chapter would be quite long, so I hope you wouldn't be bored or whatsoever. For the Filipinos reading this, I wrote this story in english so that everyone we'll be able to understand the storyline. Its also to express more broadened words than the Filipino language(I don't have enough knowledge on how to express some words in Tagalog, so forgive me.)

This story is slow-paced so you wouldn't immediately encounter the romance bwtween the two main characters. It would even take a couple of chapters to even start their friendship. This wouldn't be all cupcakes and rainbows, so you would encounter a couple of dramas. If you're looking for a story with immediate romance, this isn't the book for you. So please don't get irritated if the romance would start in a much later chapters. You have been warned.

Oh and please no plagiarism. If you want to get some ideas from this, please ask me.

Notes to be keep in mind:

Italize words: A person's thoughts, flashbacks, quotes, and author's notes

Bold words: Dialogue of the person

I hope you enjoy the story!

Lots of love,

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