Chapter 21

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Please read the A/N at the end, and enjoy the chapter.
Bennerit's POV

I cup my cheek and smiled as I watch Y/n and the other girls walk away. I massaged my temples and snapped my fingers, a little devil thing appeared and looked at me "What's it Bennebitc- Bennerit?" I sneered at it and it immediately shut up. "Diabolus, dear could you go, and get my dissapointment of a brother?" It nodded and poofed away, Strong, confident little girl still the same as always. I smirk and began thinking of Y/n.

I sat down on my throne; swaying my feet back and forth. Dear Y/n, why don't you just be mine? Just leave the girls I scowl at the thought of her... Harem. They Dare take Y/n away from me?! Over my immortal body. I sighed and grabbed a picture showing Y/n, I smirked and licked it, but I got interrupted by my brother popping out of nowhere. "w-what is it, sir?" He nervously asked "Go and get me my beloved, Aiden" he nodded; bowed then walked away slowly. "HURRY UP" I scowled at him and he ran. I can't- scratch that, COULDN'T forgive him for breaking Y/n's hymen.

I clenched my teeth, and closed my eyes to fall in a deep slumber.

???'s POV

I stood in front of a certain silver eye's grave, I know she may had been my ex husband's fling, but I really miss her, she was my team-mate, and my bestfriend of course. Without even knowing; tears had came out of my eyes and were now rolling down my cheeks, I curled my lips into a frown and kneeled in front of the grave. Forcing a smile I say, "Hey Summer, I miss you. How have you been?" I heard a familiar voice say, "So far so good, how about you Raven?" My eyes widen, and I looked behind me seeing, Summer.

My eyes water, and I bit my lips "How... The... Fuck" she snickered and spread out her arms. And I raced to her and embrace her tightly, like I would lose her. Again. "How?! Why?!" She wrapped her arms around me "It's a long story" "I'll be here" I pull away and she looked at me with a grin "Sit" like a dog, I obeyed, she hesitated for a moment but said; "Salem didn't kill me, in fact I was able to stop time by the time Salem was about to hit me. I wanted to think for a moment, so I did. I thought about my future and what would be waiting for me, a particularly strong daughter who looks nothing like her father, and a messy haired blonde girl who looks a lot like her mother. Even though she might've not been my daughter, I still loved her, and Ruby very much. Then I thought about Tai, if I wanted to marry him, that had me thinking, was it really the future that I wanted? I wanted to think about it more so to give me the time, I faked my own death" I look at her trying to process what she had just said. "I- Summer, do you uhm still plan on marrying Tai?" She looked at me and snickered, "Don't plan to, nice fellow and all but I think I like girls better, you?" Looking at her surprised; I slowly shake my head no.

Then I thought of something good...

"Wanna surprise our daughters?" I smirked, and she grinned.

Y/n's POV

My stomach growled, and I lazily slumped over my desk. F/n looked at me, "Why so tired?" She asked "I'm hungry" she grunted and slid down her chair. "Me too" I nodded and closed my eyes, Professor Oobleck won't be mad if I rest my eyes a little, right?

I felt something hit my head and I shot up from my sleep, I look at who the culprit may be, and my eyes widen then I gulped "Warning Ms. Leo, you really should not snore so loudly during class, it's annoying" with that, he zipped away. The students around me snickered and I looked at them, shutting them up. I sighed and banged my head against my table, stomach still growling. So hungry, why can't class be over yet?! I groaned and banged my head against the table again.

F/n patted my head, and snickered. I groaned yet again.

ZipZipZip like Oobleck!

I ran out of class and immediately went to the direction of the forest, "Oi! Cafeteria is this way!" I heard Aydee say, I look behind me and got back to my senses. I walked to my team while scratching my head "Sorry, I was craving rabbit-" I stopped when I heard a yelp and looked behind me seeing Velvet, I waved and smiled; showing my sharp teeth. She screeched and ran away, I look at her fading figure run down the hall then I look at my team hoping for an answer but they all shrugged I then sighed and went to the cafeteria with my (Squad) team.

I sat down with team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and my team. I began diving into my food, and sensed that eight people were looking at me intensely, I look up and looked around to see who was staring at me but no one was even taking a glimpse of me. I shrugged and continued to eat my food.

Then, the cafeteria doors flew open; causing me to shot my head towards the door, seeing two people dressed up like faunus' from the white fang. I heard a feminine voice say; "Where is Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long?!" Everyone pointed towards my friend's and my team's table, they walk towards us and I growled, gripping my fork. They stood infront of Ruby and Yang then grabbed both of their arms, dragging them away. I stood up and slammed my hands against the table causing a loud thud and everyone in the cafeteria(Including the white fang members) to look at me.

"Just who the hell do you think you are?!" I asked my voice darkening, my teeth clenching along with my hands. I see sweat running down their cheeks and one of them gulped, "Calm down, we just wanted to see our daughters" a cool, calming, and a voice that sounds too much like Ruby's say, "Daughters? How can I be related to filth like the white fang?!" Ruby say, Blake started shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "What she said!" Yang said, they both giggled under the masks and took it off. I saw a woman who looked like Ruby, but older. And the other one had the same hair as Yang's, but black, I look at them, then at Ruby and Yang, their mouths were agape and they both started crying.

"MOMMY!" Ruby cried and hugged the woman who looked like her, Yang just looked at the noirette with tears coming out of her eyes; she was also clenching her teeth. I stared at them confused and titled my head a little, I hear the clacking of heels then Goodwitch walked in "What Is the meaning of this ruck-" she gasped; her eyes widen when she saw the red head, "S-Summer?!" So, Summer is it? I look at both of them and groaned "What the fuck is going on?!" I said with a pissed off tone, "Language Ms. Leo!" Goodwitch scolded, I sighed and nodded "But I still want an explanation" Goodwitch sighed "In my classroom, now" I groaned and dragged my feet to her classroom, the girls, Summer and the other woman who I didn't know the name of, followed suit.

I sat down and along came the rest of the girls, Goodwitch still seemed at awe when she had seen Summer. "Now, care to explain?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned towards the table. "Oh boy..." Summer breathed


I wanted to warn you, that there will probably be blood, gore, and maybe possibly death in the upcoming chapters. If you're sensitive to the subject, I suggest you to either; skip the part, or stop reading. (The story just lacks depth, so I wanted to see if this'll help)

And I'll try to make the story more serious, meaning less jokes(I'll try to add some when necessary) less fluff and less pervy scenes.

If you don't approve then feel free to say so, I just want to try something new.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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