Chapter - 34

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Ruby and I followed Weiss sluggishly, as my face still held a frown. Ruby nudges me and I looked at her. "Cheer up N/n! Weiss still loves you."

That sentence alone put a smile (and blush) on my face as I nodded, hugging Ruby close. "Thank you Ruby." She smiles at me as we both continue following Weiss.

After some time, we made it to team RWBY's dorm. We walk in and saw all of the girls sitting down and looked at us. "Hey did you see those Grimm flying towards here!?" Nora asked, "We did, and we better prepare since I've a feeling the alarm will set off in a few." They nodded and got out their weapons, just before the alarm sounded.

They ran out the room, after I nodded to the door. Closely following behind them, we ran all the way to the main grounds as all of us stopped. "What the fuck?" I mumbled quietly and looked around- the place was a wreck, and it's only been a few seconds after the alarm set off.

Some of the girls went to help other students that were on the ground, all bruised and beat up. How did all of this happen in the span of a few seconds!? I can't even see, or sense the Grimm!  I growl lowly, and ruffled my hair, frustrated and confused.

I grunt in pain as I felt something jab at me from behind. But before I could react, I was already on the ground, an immense pain coming from my abdomen. "Y/n!"  Y... Yang...


My eyes widen as I see Y/n hit the ground, a Grimm behind her, all smug and...

Gah! I'm gonna kill that mother fucker-  I growled and leaped towards it, punching it's side. I winced in pain, feeling like I've just punched solid metal.

I pulled my hand back, as it clawed my open skin. I squint my eyes, feeling lots and lots of pain S-...Shake it off, Yang... It's for HER sake.  I clenched my jaw, as my breathing staggered. " hurt Y/ monster!" I roared loudly and launched at it, punching it again.

The punch caused the Grimm to fly to the side, almost killing it, I huffed and cupped my hands together, smashing it down it's unarmed skin. It blew to bits as I stood up straight, eye twitching a bit, I gasped a bit before running over to Y/n who was getting treated by Weiss.

"How is she holding up?" I asked softly and kneeled down. "Bad.. Very bad." Weiss said, her voice quite shaky and anxious. I bit my lip and looked at Y/n, she was barely breathing. "What's her situation?" Weiss took a moment to respond before explaining, "She got stabbed, i-it's deep Yang, really deep."

I started sweating, gently taking Y/n in my arms. "Weiss, tell the others... I need to take Y/n to the infirmary." She nodded and quickly ran off. I went to the infirmary and looked around. Where the fuck is everyone?!  I groaned and slowly laid the h/c haired-beauty down one of the beds, getting her into a much more comfortable position before taking off her heavy clothing.

I quickly got some stuff that I think will help with her wound. I heaved a sigh and looked at it closely, it was as if she got stabbed by a sword... Weird. I shake it off and applied light pleasure on the wound, waiting a couple minutes for it to stop bleeding... Excessively I mean.

I stood still after that, not knowing what to do next. I jumped a bit once I heard the door slam open, showing a worried looking Saikyo, "M-Mr. Leo?" I mumbled underneath my breath, he looked at me, his eyes showing nothing but sadness in them. It was probably one of the very first time's I've seen him show emotion before.

He sighed and walked over to Y/n, "Xiao Long, leave the room and help the others. They need all the help they can get, I'll take care of my daugh- niece." Relieved by that sentence, I got out the room and went to help the others.

I see Ruby and Blake, surrounded by Grimm so I ran over to them and punched a few out their way. "Son of a bitch!" I huffed as I blasted one into the sky. "The Grimms are blasting off again." Blake and I smirked at eachother before battling off a few more grimms. "Gosh, this is useless!" I hear Weiss yell, "-they keep on doubling, at this point the fight will last off forever!"

"She's uh got a point guys." Pyrrha added, slightly out of breath. As more Grimm appeared, we all decided to hide to make a plan.
"Any ideas?" Coco asked as Weiss decided to speak. "Maybe we could find the source? I mean I'm sure it's near."

"That's actually a good idea- girls spread out, look everywhere to find out where the Grimm are coming from." I declared, they nodded their heads in agreement and dispersed. Nora and I decided to go south of Beacon, and look over there. "...Yang...YANG!" Nora nudged me as I grunted and glared at her. "O-oops, my bad. But uh- I think I found where this...source is." "Where?"

She took my hand and lead me to edge of the school, pointing to the ground. "I saw this shady looking dude, holding a staff or something. But I find it weird that I can see his aura, even from this far away." I looked at her confused before speaking, "What colour is this guy's aura?" She didn't respond for a moment. "Uhmmm a beige colour or something."

I nodded. "Tell the girls we found the source- I'd like to speak to the little son of a gun himself." She nodded and quickly went over to call the others.

"You can stop hiding." I hear a laugh, I peered over my shoulder and saw the guy that made our lives a living hell- yeah it's him, Bennerit.


Boom, fina-fuckingly, I'm done w/ this chapter, god it took way to long to write a thousand words.

Blame school.

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