Chapter 28

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A couple weeks later

Yang launched at me, but I effortlessly dodged it, she scowled and tried punching me, I grabbed her fist before it could reach my stomach. "When did you become this weak? I said no holding back" I muttered, and she growled, I immediately let go of her fist, and a bullet flew past me "I can't! Not when you're acting hella cute" I groaned and roll my eyes. Sighing a bit, I look up at her "Yeah, you're gonna hate me for this" I grabbed her hair, she jerked a bit, as I pull out one single strand, and waved it in front of her face.

"So... You're fighting fire with fire huh?" Her eyes were covered by her bangs, and she placed her fist on the palm of her hand "Well, get ready cause this fire is bigger!" She yelled as her eyes turned red and she quickly threw her fist at me, I barely dodged and nodded "Alright" I got on all fours, and ran away from her "You look cute right now, but you remember you motherfucker, never mess with the gold!" She growled lowly and tried running after me, I ran quick enough to dodge any of her attacks, but one of the bullets grazed my cheek. I smile and stood up, grabbing Yang's tank top and then hugging her "You okay Yang?" "I'm fine now, Yin" I blush and sighed "I fucking hate that nickname" "Aww but it means you're my other half" I blush harder and groaned "Damnit Yang" I kiss her softly "You're such a dork" I mutter and walked away, she giggles "Does that conclude training?" I nodded and went to get some water, Velvet ran to me and gave me some, I pet her head and took the water "Thanks Bun Bun" I kiss her ears, she squeaks and blushes, I smile and drank the water "Why are you making us train again?" Velvet asked, I blinked before responding, "You know what happened last week, I just want you guys to be prepared" I wince at the thought.


Y/n's POV

F/n woke me up, "What's wrong?" I asked and hung off my bed, extremely tired "There's something in the mail for you" "Who's it from?" She shrugged "I don't know, it just showed up at our door" I sigh and she gave me the package, I opened my eyes, and I screamed "What's wron- Now that's just sick" F/n grimaced at what's in the package. I cry and clenched my teeth "Dad..." It was Hunter's severed head, in the package, there was a note next to it.

I grabbed it and read it: Did you really think I'll let you just kill my brother without getting my revenge? I'm sorry dear Y/n, but I will have your head, I promise you that - your love, Bennerit

I crumpled the piece of paper up and threw it away, I looked at his head and clenched my teeth "He's... Gonna fucking pay" I growled lowly.

End of Flashback

I sigh and sat down, "Anyways, can you two leave me alone for now? I need a bit of time to think" they both nodded and walked away, as I looked at their fading figures. I placed my head on my hands, bawling my eyes out, I hate this feeling... I hate this so much  I sigh and wiped my tears away, I grabbed the water bottle and stood up "Faunus girl, I'd appreciate it if you stopped hiding" I mutter and looked around, I heard a squeak and I immediately put my hand on her shoulder "You were that girl that I fought" I said and looked at her "So you're a chameleon?" She blushes and nodded, I hummed and let go of her "Care to explain why you were spying on me?" I ask and crossed my arms, she sighs "My boss told me to..." "Your boss?" She nodded and gulped "Sienna" "Where is she?" She told me where she was, I smile and pat her head "Thanks...?" "Ilia" "Thank you Ilia" I waved and ran off.


I sigh and stared at Sienna, who was glaring at me "It's you" she huffs and crosses her arms "What do you want? To kill one of my men again?" I roll my eyes and went up to her "I'm assuming you know Salem?" She shook her head "Not personally, Cinder does though" I hummed in approval "Okay, thank you" I said, but before I could leave, she grabbed my wrist and licked my cheek. I shiver and blush "What was that for?" "Nothing, you just taste delicious" I yanked my arm away from her, and blushed "I'll see you?" She nodded "Definitely" I waved at her and walked away, "Okay... Cinder" as if on cue, a pair of arms wrap around me "That's the girl I was looking for" I look at Cinder "Where is Salem-" she cut me off before I could finish "Come, I'll show you" she grabbed my hand and lead me somewhere far away. I see a huge castle with a lot of lakes, and ponds filled with black stuff. "Go in" she nodded to the huge door, I went in, but as I went in arms wrap around me and I blush "You came back" Salem smiles and nuzzles against my back, I gulped and blush "Uhm, Salem" she stopped and stared at me "Do you, by any chance, know a demon named Bennerit?" She huffs and growls "Yes, yes I do. How do you know him?" "He kidnapped me" I said, and her grip around me tightened "Do you know how to take him out?" She blinked, confused "Why would you want to know?" I look away "He's planning something, I know it. I just wanna be prepared" she sighs and let's go of me "Okay, I'll tell you" "Really? Thank yo- what's the catch?" She chuckles and cups my cheek "Be my wife" I choked and instantly backed away "NO! I mean, I'm not ready yet and... Other girls" I sigh, and she rolled her eyes "Who says I won't share?" I blinked and blushed madly, almost turning red "F-fine... I guess" she smiles "Okay, now sit down and I'll tell you everything I know"


Alright, that's it, another chapter done.

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